Khutba: The Good Opinion of the Muslim (Audio Spanish/Arabic)

You who believe! Let not one man mock at another, because it may be that he is better than they are. And do not slander one another or call one another names.
And do not slander one another or call one another names.
It is evil to give a name of perversion after being a believer.
And whoever does not turn in repentance… Those are the unrighteous.

You who believe! Abandon many of the assumptions.
It is true that some of them are crimes. And do not spy on one another or speak evil of others when they are not present.
Would one of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother? It would be horrible for you.
And fear Allah, for indeed Allah accepts him who turns to Him and is Compassionate.

Men! We created you from a male and a female and made you distinct peoples and tribes so that you might recognize one another.
And verily the noblest of you before Allah is he who fears Him most.
Allah is All-Knowing and All-Informed.
Sura 48 / Ayats 11, 12 and 13

Friday khutba delivered by Iman Abdel Gani at the Seville Mosque.