Knowing the Qur’an, Sheikh Ahmed Bermejo

Sheikh Ahmed Bermejo’s new blog, an essential source of knowledge of traditional Islam in Spanish. — Today I want to talk about the Qur’an.
And why the Qur’an?
Because it is the reference, it is the first of the sources from which the knowledge of Islam is obtained, it is that which if it is not recited in the salat makes it invalid, it is what shakes the hearts, what does not tire the one who recites it, what thousands of Muslims learn by heart, it is the great miracle that Allah gives to His Messenger Muhammad, salla allaahu alaihi wa sallam.
And we should know that the Qur’an is a tremendous and wonderful gift because in it there is guidance for those who need guidance, there is counsel for those who need counsel, there is tranquility for those who wish for tranquility, there is good news for those who are on the path, there are warnings for those who deviate, There is clear and evident evidence for those who are mired in doubt.
The Qur’an is that jar that is not emptied at any time, as the Qadi says ‘Iyad is his well-known book Ash-Shifa’, a book that overflows with love for the Messenger Muhammad in each of its pages.
When he speaks of the Qur’an he says: “And part of the facets that make it inimitable is the impression that affects the ears and hearts of those who hear it, and the awe that invades them when they recite it because of its power and high gravity.
And this is more serious for those who deny it to the point that they find it unbearable to hear it and it increases their rejection, as Allah says: “And when in the Qur’an you mention the oneness of your Lord, they turn their backs in contempt.” (Surah of the Night Journey, 46).
As for the believer, he does not cease to shudder and be overwhelmed by his recitation, which makes him feel attracted and gives him joy at the inclination of his heart towards him and his affirmation of him.
Allah, may He be exalted, says: “Those who fear their Lord get goosebumps, and it and their hearts are softened by the remembrance of Allah.” (Surah of the Groups, 23)”.
Another surprising aspect of the Qur’an is that it does not bore the one who recites it and the one who hears it is not able to reject it; on the contrary, the more it is recited, the more its sweetness increases, the more it is recited, the more the love that is felt for it increases; and it is still something fresh and renewed at any time.
As the Qadi ‘Iyad says in the above-mentioned book: “While other words – even if they reach their level in beauty and rhetoric – bore with repetition and produce aversion if repeated, in our Book one finds pleasure when one is alone and helps in difficult moments in a way that is not found in the other books, to the point that our colleagues have created tones and ways with which they attract the mood to recite it”.
And so the Messenger of Allah, to whom Allah may grant His grace and peace, describes the Qur’an as saying: “He does not wear himself out with the abundance of repetition, nor are his lessons finished, nor are his wonders exhausted, he is the distinction that has no mockery, nor do men of knowledge tire of him, neither are desires diverted with him, nor are tongues confused with him; he is that which the jinn had not finished hearing when they said: ‘We have heard a wonderful Recitation that leads to right guidance'” (Surah of the Jinn, 1-2).
This is the Qur’an, the guide of the believers, the Book of Reference from which the vast majority of the laws of our Deen are obtained. But we must be careful with one thing, and this is a warning to everyone, and that is that we cannot take the Qur’an and interpret it according to our own understanding, let alone as far as extracting judgments and laws are concerned.
This is a very serious mistake that unfortunately we see very present in our days and that can lead to the opposite of what Allah wants.
Over the centuries there have been people who have dedicated their lives to understanding and explaining the Qur’an, creating tafsirs (commentaries) that help us to understand the Book of Allah, tafsirs that are absolutely necessary, since without them we would not be able to understand or encompass the magnitude of the Qur’an.
The Qur’an is something extraordinary that is beyond what we can comprehend.
Every letter, every syllable it contains comes directly from the presence of Allah, the All-Knowing Unknowing, the All-Encompassing All-Knowing, the Creator of the universe, of each of us and of all our actions.
The Qur’an opens blind eyes, deaf ears and closed hearts; In it are the springs of knowledge, the understanding of wisdom and the springtime of hearts, it is our great gift and, as with every gift we receive, we should be grateful.
And we ask Allah to put in our hearts love for the Qur’an.
Sheikh Ahmed Bermejo