Lunch with the Ambassadors of Malaysia, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Indonesia

His Excellency, H.E. Zainal Abidin Bakar, Ambassador of Malaysia to Spain, held a reception and lunch at his residence in Madrid, to which H.E. Khayayam Akbar, Ambassador of Pakistan to Spain, H.E. Hassan Mahmood, Ambassador of Bangladesh to Spain and Pak Adi Priyanto, Minister-Counselor of the Embassy of Indonesia in Spain were invited.
Ibrahim Hernández and Luqman Nieto, President and Vice President of the Seville Mosque Foundation, were invited to the lunch, along with Umar del Pozo, President of the Islamic Community of Spain, Hisham Melara, President of the Granada Mosque Foundation and Muhsin Sierra and Amir Roy, from Omeya Tours.
Our sincere thanks for the warm reception and delicious food to H.E. Zainal Abidin Bakar, Malaysian ambassador to Spain.
And the Ambassadors of Pakistan, Bangladesh and Indonesia for their presence.
During the meeting we had time to talk quietly about the situation of Muslims in Spain, different projects, the fight against terrorism, education, business, etc.
Their Excellencies offered their support to the project of the Islamic Cultural Center of Seville, perfectly understanding its idea and purpose.
It was a real honour for us, an enriching and memorable meeting, for which we are tremendously grateful.