‘Malam Inspirasi’ at the Raya Bintaro Mosque, Jakarta, Indonesia

Ibrahim Hernández, Vice President of the Seville Mosque Foundation, shared a pleasant and inspiring event with Ustad Fatih Karim and Dewi Sandra, famous singer and presenter from Indonesia.
The event discussed the Islamic history of Spain as well as the current situation of Muslims in this country.

The event took place at the Raya Vintaro Mosque in Jakarta, Indonesia, and was attended by more than 500 people as well as the rest of the Foundation’s delegation.
The event is part of the trip of the delegation of the Seville Mosque Foundation to promote the campaign ‘A Tile for Seville’, an initiative to promote the construction of an Islamic cultural center and mosque in the city.
The event consisted of a presentation by Ustad Fatih Karim on the Islamic history of Spain, an exhibition of the situation of current Muslims by Ibrahim Hernández and finally, the actress, singer and presenter, Dewi Sandra, spoke about the campaign ‘A Tile for Seville’ in which she has participated along with 6 other artists from Malaysia, Indonesia and Singapore.
The campaign seeks to bring the Muslims of these countries closer to the need of the Muslims of Seville to have a dignified place of worship, as well as to present a positive image of Muslims to the rest of society, through the eyes of these artists and through a series of videos that will be presented and promoted on social networks.