Meeting with Lorena García de Izarra, Director of the Fundación Tres Culturas del Mediterraneo

Yesterday we had the pleasure of receiving at the Seville Mosque Foundation Lorena García de Izarra, recently appointed Managing Director of the Three Cultures of the Mediterranean Foundation and Antonio Chaves, Head of Strategic Planning and Programming of the Three Cultures Foundation.

We want to show our appreciation for their courtesy and effort in coming to visit us at the headquarters and mosque of our entity. We hope that through this meeting we can continue and expand the close collaboration between our entities.

Our support and best wishes in her new and exciting responsibility to Ms. Lorena García de Izarra, who is backed by her career as Deputy Minister of Economy, Knowledge, Business and University in the previous legislature, as well as Director General of Extenda, the Foreign Promotion Agency of the Junta de Andalucía -an entity with special impact on the promotion of economic cooperation with Morocco-, which facilitated her integration into the board of the Three Cultures Foundation, which has allowed her to know first-hand the operation of this institution.