Meeting with the Director of the Three Cultures of the Mediterranean Foundation

Yesterday we had the pleasure of being received by Mrs. Concha de Santa Ana, recently appointed Director of the Three Cultures Foundation, in the process of merging with the Baremboim Said Foundation and the Legado Andalusí Foundation, under the same direction.

We hope that through this meeting, to get to know each other in person and lay the foundations for new collaborative actions in the coming months, we can continue and expand the lines of collaboration between our entities.

Our support and best wishes to Mrs. Concha de Santa Ana in her new and exciting responsibility.

María de la Concepción de Santa Ana Fernández (Granada, 1973) is a civil engineer from the University of Granada (2001) and has been a national deputy in the IX, X, XI and XII legislatures (2008-2019). She has extensive experience in the European field; in fact she was a member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe during the XI and XII legislatures (2016-2019), president of the Committee on Culture, Education, Science and Media of the Council of Europe during the XII legislature (2018-2019) and spokesperson of the Joint Committee for the European Union of the Cortes Generales during the XI and XII legislatures (2016-2019). In June 2019 she was appointed managing director of the Andalusian Public Foundation El legado andalusí.