
Barcelona’s Monumental will not be a mosque

The Balañá Group, owner of the land, has categorically denied that it is negotiating the reconversion of the old Monumental bullring into a large mosque built thanks to a donation from an emir of Qatar. This is the information that has been published since last January by some media and that emerges and resurfaces, with increasingly extravagant details that are …

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Everything you need to know about the Islamic State

We are all shocked and terrified by the images and news coming out of Gaza showing the burned and mutilated bodies of our Muslim brothers and sisters, men, women and children, trapped with nowhere to flee or hide, killed in their own homes with lethal bombs and missiles. The images break our hearts; and how could they not when it …

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The rationale for the salat timesheet

Introduction City life and the many occupations have led communities of Muslims to make use of time sheets and schedules marking the timing of salawat. In them, two fields that were familiar from post-classical antiquity have been made to coincide, with greater or lesser fortune, fiqh and astronomy. As is well known, belief fostered scientific knowledge-particularly mathematics and astronomy-in a …

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Celebration of Eid al Adha

On Sunday October 5 was held in the Alamillo Park, the Eid al Adha prayer. Eid al Adha, which could be translated as Celebration of Sacrifice is the major Muslim holiday (or Aid-al Kebir (Great Feast) that commemorates the passage recorded in both the Koran and the Bible, which shows the willingness of Ibrahim to sacrifice his son as an …

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Visit Malasios

At the end of October we had the honor of receiving a delegation of Malaysians, from, who were touring all the cities with Muslim heritage, and at the same time getting to know the now resident Muslims. Among the 83 visitors came the presenter and team of a radio station, with whom we had a relaxed interview.

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Almonaster, XV Conference on Islamic Culture

From October 10 to 12, 2014, the XV Conference on Islamic Culture will be held in Almonaster la Real, Huelva, with the participation of the Seville Mosque Foundation. The Muslim presence left a particular stamp in many parts of the Natural Park Sierra de Aracena and Picos de Aroche, which today retain considerable traces of their stay. Being the first …

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Ibn Khaldun, Heritage of Islam in Europe

On Saturday June 14 was held at the civic center La Sirena, in the Alameda de Hercules, a very special meeting around the figure of Ibn Khaldun. In it was deepened in the action and thought of this crucial philosopher and historian Andalusi, precedent of modern sociology and one of the highest peaks of thought of Al-Andalus with figures of …

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