
Islam the non-religion – 12th Islamic Festival of Mertola.

19 May 2023 Lecture by Sidi Karim Viudes, rahimullah, given by Hayy Khalid Nieto at the 12th Islamic Festival of Mertola. Sidi Karim Viudes, Rahimullah When we speak of “believers” and “non-believers”, what do we believe in believing or not believing? When we speak of “secular culture” as opposed to “religious faith”, which “culture” and which “faith” do we qualify? …

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Photo gallery of the 12th Islamic Festival of Mértola

Below we present a gallery with some pictures of the XII Islamic Festival of Mértola and we take this opportunity to congratulate and thank the Chamber of Mértola, its great team and all the neighbors of Mértola for the spectacular festival this year, their great effort, generosity and hospitality to us and all who have been able to come to …

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Meeting with the Câmara Municipal de Mértola, Portugal

This week the Seville Mosque Foundation met in Mértola with the councilor of culture and representatives of the Municipal Chamber of Mértola to finalize the organization and logistical details of what will be the twelfth edition of the Islamic Festival of Mértola, from May 18 to 21. We would like to thank the Câmara Municipal de Mértola and all the …

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