
Visit to the Mosque of Dos Hermanas, with Professor Jaume Flaquer

Together with the professor of the Loyola University in Granada and member of the Andalusian Chair for the dialogue of religions Mr. Jaume Flaquer Garcia JHS, our vice president Hajj Khalid Nieto has made a courtesy visit to the Mosque of Dos Hermanos. Jaume Flaquer García JHS, our vice president Hajj Jalid Nieto has paid a courtesy visit to the …

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Program for Ramadan 2022

After two years of restrictions, and being aware of the limitations, restrictions and precautions that still need to be taken, this year a program for Ramadan will be established again at the Seville Mosque Foundation. IftarDates, milk and water will be served. And after the Maghrib Salat, soup and light dinner. There is a list at the entrance for anyone …

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Meeting of Muslim women and women interested in Islam

Within the program of the V Andalusian Encounters, tomorrow Saturday, March 19, at 10 am, will be held the monthly meeting of Muslim women, new Muslims and women interested in Islam, in the Seville Mosque Foundation, Plaza Ponce de León, 9. If you are interested in Islam, if you are thinking of taking the step and accepting it, if you …

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“Muslims before education, a hope for this time”.

Within the V Andalusian Encounters, the conference “Muslims and education, a hope for this time” will take place. Its author, Hay Muhammad Mujtar Medinilla, has been studying and working on different educational projects for the Muslim community for more than 20 years. He will make us reflect on education in its broadest sense and will present us with a series …

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V Andalusian Encounters

The V Andalusian Meetings will take place in Seville on March 18, 19 and 20. The last edition, in March 2020, was just before the beginning of the pandemic and so far it has not been possible to resume. This year the theme will be dedicated to education. The conference will include a lecture at the Las Sirenas Civic Center …

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Photographic Exhibition; Mosques of the World

From Tuesday, March 15 until Thursday, March 31, you can enjoy the photographic exhibition of ¨Mezquitas del Mundo¨, at the Centro Cívico Las Sirenas, in Plaza de la Alameda, 30, Seville. The exhibition, which is free of charge, features photographs of some of the most impressive mosques from all corners of the globe. The exhibition has been loaned by the …

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