
The Growing Number of Sevillians Embracing Islam: Insights from Loyola Newspaper

In a detailed investigation conducted by Paula Ordóñez for Diario Loyola, it has been revealed that Seville is experiencing a significant increase in the number of people converting to Islam. According to the article, approximately 9,000 Muslims currently reside in Seville, of which about 630 are native Sevillians who have embraced Islam. This trend is part of a broader pattern …

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Visit of IEDH to the Seville Mosque Foundation

We were delighted to welcome a group of students from Integra Educatio Desarrollo Holístico SL (IEDH), along with their teachers, to our mosque. The visit was aimed at bringing the students closer to the Muslim community in Seville. The group, composed mainly of Muslim and Christian students, all from Africa, engaged in a vibrant and insightful conversation. They shared their …

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2024 Eid Al Adha, schedule and location

The Eid Al Adha prayer will be held on Monday, June 17, in the Alamillo Park at 8:30 am. Insha Allah. Our thanks to the Management Office of the Alamillo Park and the Metropolitan Parks team of the Junta de Andalucía, for their facilitation, willingness and courtesy. This year we celebrate 29 years celebrating the two annual Eid in this …

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Celebration of the Day of Portugal, Camões and Portuguese Communities in Seville

On the occasion of the Day of Portugal, Camões and Portuguese Communities, which is celebrated on June 10, the headquarters of the Consulate of Portugal in Seville hosted yesterday the commemoration of this historic date. The Consul General of Portugal in Seville, Cláudia Boesch, presided over the event, which brought together numerous personalities from civil, military and institutional society, and …

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Joint Notarial Act of Manifestations and Protocolization of the Zakat

On May 31, 2024 the Seville Mosque Foundation made a Joint Act of Manifestations and Protocolization before a notary, number one thousand six hundred and forty two, to raise to public the annual report of the year 2023, as well as the reports of previous years. This was done on the basis of a report commissioned to a law firm …

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