

On March 5, 6, 7 and 8, the IV Andalusian Meetings will take place in Seville. After many years since its last edition, this year there will be activities related to the legacy of Al-Andalus and Ibn-Arabi with the aim of recovering the legacy of the “Sublime Master” or “The greatest of the Masters” in an Al-Andalus where the sciences …

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“Allah is the Rich One and you are the needy”, Shaykh Ahmed Bermejo

Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala says in His Book: “O men! You are the ones who need Allah, while Allah is the Rich, Himself Praised” (35:15). This verse of the Qur’an is a tremendous reality that we often forget and therefore it is necessary that we return to it constantly, because it has the highest memory, the memory of our most …

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Intercultural Conferences, University of Seville

On Thursday, March 5, an intercultural conference will be held at the University of Seville under the title “Aldalusiés Contributions to Universal Thought”, organized by the Department of Social Anthropology in collaboration with the Mosque Foundation of Seville.The conference on Andalusia in the imaginary of interculturality of the Mediterranean, taking as contributions the historical reference of the Andalusian Seville and …

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Meeting with H.E. José Miguel Corvinos Lafuente, Ambassador of Spain in Malaysia.

Last week, a delegation from the Seville Mosque Foundation made up of Hafith Bashir Castiñeira, the Foundation’s ambassador to Malaysia and Muhsin Sierra, the Foundation’s director of public relations, had the honour of being received by H.E. José Miguel Corvinos Lafuente, Spain’s ambassador to Malaysia. At that meeting, various business projects between Spain and Malaysia were discussed and Mr. State …

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Meeting with H.E. Akmal Che Mustafa, Malaysia’s new ambassador in Spain.

On February 10, the president of the Seville Mosque Foundation, Ibrahim Hernández, had the honor of being received by H.E. Akmal Che Mustafa. Malaysia’s new ambassador in Spain at the Malaysian Embassy in Madrid. This meeting was the first with His Excellency, who has been in Spain for a few months. The president of the Foundation welcomed His Excellency to …

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Indonesian group visit to the Seville Mosque Foundation

Last week, the Seville Mosque Foundation had the pleasure of receiving at its headquarters a group of travelers from Indonesia who were traveling with Best Halal Trips. At the head of this group was Dr. Edy Hamdi a whole reference in halal tourism in Indonesia. This group was received by Hajj Abdelghani Melara Navío, who, apart from answering the group’s …

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Summary of the Reforestation Workshop; Operation Encina.

On Sunday, February 9, the association “Operación Encina” held a reforestation workshop at the headquarters of the Mezquita de Sevilla Foundation. The workshop began with an introduction where the characteristics of holm oaks, the importance of holm oaks for the local ecosystem, their impact and symbiosis with the environment, both plant, animal and fungal and the methods of planting and …

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