
Exploring Islam: Visiting the Mosque with students

Today we have had the honor to welcome Dr.. Carmen Castilla-Vazquez, Head of the Department of Social Anthropology at the University of Granada, Faculty of Philosophy and Letters, along with a group of her students, to the Seville Mosque Foundation. It was a pleasure to host them as they came to learn more about Islam and experience being in a …

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Visit from the students of Verto Education Spring 2024

This year, in the spring of 2024, we have had the pleasure of welcoming students from Verto Education to Seville. This year the students were treated to a momentous event where they got to bear witness to a young lady taking her Shahada. The students got to see first-hand what happens when someone becomes a Muslim and what it entails …

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Acknowledgments for service during the month of Ramadan

VIDEO: Dua at the end of the Quran recitation, night 27th of Ramadan 2024 – Sidi Mohammed Nouri We would like to express our deepest gratitude to all those who have made it possible for us to enjoy this Ramadan full of blessings and baraka. First of all, to the families who have so generously funded and prepared the harira …

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Eid Al Fitra announcement, schedule and location

The Eid Al Fitra prayer will be celebrated this year, together with our brothers of the Al-Hidaya Mosque of Macarena, on Wednesday, April 10, in the Alamillo Park at 09h. Our thanks to the Management Office of the Alamillo Park and the Metropolitan Parks team of the Junta de Andalucía, for their facilitation, willingness and courtesy. This year we celebrate …

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Institutional Iftar at the Three Cultures of the Mediterranean Foundation

On Sunday, April 7 and in the last days of the month of Ramadan, the Three Cultures Foundation celebrated its traditional iftar or breaking of the institutional fast to which the Seville Mosque Foundation was invited. An even more special edition since this year the Three Cultures Foundation celebrates a quarter of a century in the service of peace and …

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Distribution of food parcels in Ramadan

Last Tuesday, April 2, we carried out a distribution of food packages at the Seville Mosque Foundation thanks to the generosity of the Türkiye Presidency of Religious Affairs and Türkiye Diyanet Vakfi. Collectively we were able to distribute food packages to 150 families. A representative of Diyanet, Kenan Oral, was also present to help organize the distribution. Generosity is an …

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