
Tayyip Erdogan wins the elections with a turnout of 90%

On such a special and special day for the Turkish people, and for Muslims around the world, from the Mosque of Seville Foundation we want to take this opportunity to give our most sincere congratulations to Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the government and the people of Turkey for the result of yesterday’s elections. These have been presidential and parliamentary elections, where …

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Celebration of the II Meeting Living Together between Cultures, Bellavista, Seville

Among the events included in the project: Awareness and Promotion of Intercultural Conviction, organized by the A.VV. Unity, the II Meeting Living Between Cultures took place yesterday, Saturday, in which the Mosque Foundation of Seville collaborated and participated. Our congratulations and thanks to the ́Asociación de Vecinos ̈Unidad ̈ de Bellavista ́ for this second edition, for the great participation …

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Visit of Pak Endy Kurniawan, of the Indonesian Parliament, to Seville

It has been a pleasure for the Seville Mosque Foundation to receive Pak Endy Kurniawan, Special Officer of the Indonesian Parliament (DPR RI) and family in Seville. The visit arises as a result of the official visit to the Indonesian Parliament in April 2017 of the Mosque Foundation of Seville, where the project of the Islamic Cultural Center, Mosque and …

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Khutba: The Hadith of Jibreel (Audio English/Arabic – 22.06.18)

Jumua Khutba: The Hadith of Jibreel: ‘Umar ibn al-Khattab, may Allaah be pleased with him, said: “We were sitting with the Messenger of Allaah one day when a man came to us in white robes and black hair; and there were no signs of travel in it and none of us knew it; he sat down in front of the …

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II Meeting Living Between Cultures, Bellavista, Seville

On Saturday, June 23, 2018, the II Meeting Living Between Cultures will be held in Bellavista, at the Bellavista Civic Center from 11:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., organized by the Bellavista Unity Neighborhood Association. With the sponsorship of ́la Caixa ́ and the collaboration of the Seville City Council, the Three Cultures Foundation and the Mosque Foundation of Seville. The …

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Presentation of the Islamophobia Observatory at the Three Cultures Foundation

The Al Fanar Foundation, responsible for the Islamophobia Observatory, presented this project at the Three Cultures Foundation, in Seville, to a large group of associations and interested people. Among these were the Anti-Rumour Network, the Movement Against Intolerance, several researchers and the Seville Mosque Foundation, among others. Pedro Rojo, president of the Al Fanar Foundation, presented the work carried out …

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On behavior and adab, Sheikh Ahmed Bermejo

In the materialistic world where we live today, we very often forget one of the foundations of our path, one of the foundations that we as Muslims must adopt in our lives; and this basis is perfectly summed up in the well-known hadith in which the Messenger of Allah, Salla Allahu Alaihi wa Salllam.Said: “I have certainly been sent to …

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