
Visit of the Diyanet Vakfi Foundation of Turkey and distribution of Qurans

During the last few days we have had the honor of receiving the delegation of the Diyanet Vakfi Foundation, from Turkey, at the headquarters of the Mosque Foundation of Seville, as part of the program of distribution of the Qur’an with annotated translation by Hajj Abdel Gani Melara, Imam Khatib of the Mosque of Seville. The delegation was represented by …

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Visit of the Mosque Foundation of Seville to the Mosque of Isla Chica, Huelva

At the express invitation of Hajj Abdelghani Melara, Iman Khatib of our Foundation, to instruct the members of this new community, several members of the Foundation traveled to share the afternoon of Sunday, March 25, with the attendees of the speech that Hajj Abdelghani offered. The topics covered covered a wide range of knowledge. Where he urged them to be …

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Donation of 7000 books by Shaykh Osman Nura Topbaş, for free distribution

Our thanks to Shaykh Osman Nuri Topbaş Hoca Efendi and the Erkam Yayınları publishing house for the 7000 books we have received from them at the Seville Mosque Foundation. The books are for free distribution and are already available at the Mosque of Seville (Ponce de León, 9) and soon at the Great Mosque of Granada. They will also soon …

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Delegation of ACT, Indonesia, visits the Mosque Foundation of Seville

During the last few days we have had the pleasure of having with us a delegation of Aksi Cepat Tanggap, Pak Imam and Pak Faisol, vice president and director of the Indonesian NGO with which the Mosque Foundation of Seville has been collaborating for two years. During the visit, the donation that ACT has received from the thousands of donors …

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Qur’anic Tafsir Class – Surah of Discernment, Part 2. (Audio)

Tafsir class (commentary and explanation of the Qur’an), given by Imam Hajj Abdel Ghani Melara, in which he explains the tafsir, based on several of the recognized commentators. (68) And those who do not call on any other god with Allah, nor kill anyone whom Allah has made inviolable, unless it is right, nor do they commit fornication, for whoever …

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Meeting with Prof. Dr. KH. Din Shamsuddin, Indonesia

During the recent visit done by the Seville Mosque Foundation to Indonesia we had the privilege of meeting again with Prof. Dr. KH. Din Shamsuddin, Special Presidential Envoy for Interreligious Dialogues and Civilization Affairs and HE Ibu Yuli Mupuni, Former Ambassador of Indonesia to Spain, to whom we would like to give our sincere thanks for her welcome and support …

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