Presentation of the book, ́The Andalusian and Moorish heritage in the Maghreb ́, by Virginia Luque

It has been an honour for the Fundación Mezquita de Sevilla to invite Virginia Luque to present her book; The Andalusian and Moorish heritage in the Maghreb, within the Foundation’s programme within the framework of the XVIII Islamic Conference of Almonaster la Real (Huelva).
This work allows an incursion into the transfer, transfers, influences and cultural contributions in North Africa through twelve chapters that will take us to the evidence, material testimonies, immaterial traces and legacy of Andalusians and Moors.
An inheritance associated with the city ades, landscapes, streets, infrastructures, suburbs, mosques, sanctuaries, techniques and crafts.
It is also a legacy of rituals, family traditions, music, food, agricultural activities, artistic manifestations, beliefs, knowledge, works that have evolved beyond merely limited areas.

In this way, and throughout a series of chapters of enjoyable reading, the reader will discover the connections that link Andalusians and Moors with the Maghreb as well as the way in which this legacy, forged over the centuries, constitutes a valuable feature of identity.
Not only as a tangible heritage of the lands where they settled but as a living heritage, symbol and evocation in the Arab-Islamic world.