Qur’anic Tafseer Class – Surat al-Waqia, Part 1 (audio)

Tafsir class (commentary and explanation of the Qur’an), taught by Imam Hajj Abdel Ghani Melara, in which he explains tafsir, based on several of the recognized commentators. (1) When what is to happen takes place.
(2) There will be no one who can deny its happening.
(3) He will lower (some) and raise (others).
(4) When the earth moves convulsively, (5) the mountains fall crumbly, (6) and turn to scattered dust; (7) And ye shall be of three classes: (8) The companions of the right, O companions of the right!
(9) And the comrades of the left, O the comrades of the left!
And the early ones.
O the advanced!
Those will be the ones who will be close (12) in the gardens of Delight.
Many of the former (14) and few of the latter.
(Surah al-Waqia, 56:1-14) — Classes are open, every Monday between the Maghrib and Isha’a salats. It is a unique opportunity that we have in Seville to benefit from these classes of Hajj Abdel Ghani, to whom we are tremendously grateful for his service and dedication.