Receiving books and brochures from Diyanet, Turkey

We would like to extend our sincere thanks to the Turkish Consulate in Barcelona and by extension to Diyanet, who have sent us copies of the Quran in Spanish, with the translation and commentary of the Imam of the Seville Mosque Foundation, Hajj Abdel Ghani Melara Navío, along with other very useful books and leaflets on various aspects of Islam.

This pocket edition, edited and published in 2022, is made by the Turkish Ministry of Religious Affairs, Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı, and will be distributed by hand through the mosque to people interested in Islam and new Muslims, just like the leaflets and other publications received.

We have also received four books on the fundamentals of Islam, entitled; ‘My Belief’, ‘My Ajlaq’, ‘My Prophet’ and ‘My Ibada’.

The number is limited, so on this occasion we will not be able to ship to other mosques or communities. Those who are interested can contact the Turkish consulate or embassy directly.