Reception of group from United States of America by Shaykh Yasir Qadhi

Last week we had the pleasure of receiving in the mosque the visit of a group of 120 men and women from the United States of America, who came with Shaykh Yasir Qadhi, and from the hand of Omeya Tours. The group was received by Ustad Abdelghani Melara, Imam of the Seville Mosque Foundation.

Shaykh Yasir Qadhi is one of the most recognized knowledgeable people in the UAE and influential worldwide.

Ustad Abdelghani’s meeting with Shaykh Yasir and the group was warm, close and hopefully beneficial to all. During the meeting both addressed a word to the group which was received with great enthusiasm.

For us it is a pleasure to receive groups of visitors from other countries. The doors of our center are always open to anyone who wants to visit us and learn more about who we are and the activities and projects we carry out, and at the same time enrich ourselves with the experiences of people from other places.

It is also a pleasure to be able to collaborate with travel agencies such as Omeya Tours, as these meetings bring Muslims from all over the world into contact and exchange ideas, experiences and forge ties between people from different countries.

From the Foundation we wish you a good trip and hope to be able to welcome you again soon.