Reforestation workshop; Operation Encina

On Sunday the 9th, after the recitation of the Koran and coffee, we will have a reforestation workshop with the association ́Operation Oak ́. The activity is open to children and parents, open and free. The Koran will be at 11 am, coffee 11.30 am the activity will start at 12 pm.

The association ́Operation Oak ́, from Granada, is doing a great job at the national level for the recovery of the holm oak, the Mediterranean forest and awareness of its importance.

Each participant, especially the children, will plant an acorn, which they will take care of for three months until the oak has grown. Later we will look for a place to go to plant them. The necessary material will be supplied by ‘Operation Encina’ and the Seville Mosque Foundation.

There will be a biological, historical, geographical and environmental presentation.
All of great interest, and with the perspective of giving birth to hope in our children for a better world.