Representation of Spain in the International Quran Memorisation Competition, Malaysia 2017

It is an honour for the Muslims of Spain to be represented by Mohammed Elias Keeler Roncero and Umar Bermejo Benedetti, in the categories of recitation and memorization respectively, at the 59th International Koran Competition, in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

(1h19min40sec to see the recitation of Mohammed Elias Keeler Roncero)

Our thanks to the Malaysian Embassy and all the organizers for the invitation, management and courtesy.
This year at the Fundación Mezquita de Sevilla, (Plaza Ponce de León, 9) we will have the honor of having Hafith Umar Bermejo de Imam for the tarawih.
Insha Allah.
While Hafith Elias will do the same in a mosque in Norwich, England.
May Allah reward and increase knowledge to those who memorize and teach the Qur’an.
Majlis Tilawah Dan Menghafaz Al-Quran Peringkat Antarabangsa Ke-59 Tahun 1438h/2017m — 59th International Al-Quran Recital And Memorization Assembly 1438h/2017 15-20 Mei 2017M / 18-23 Sya’ban 1438H Dewan Merdeka, Pusat Dagangan Dunia Putra, Kuala Lumpur.