Shaykh Ahmed Bermejo’s Khutba, “If you ask for something, ask Allah.” Grenade.

Ibn ‘Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him, narrated the following: “One day he was riding behind the Messenger of Allah, Salla Allaahu ‘Alaihi wa Salllam, when he said to me: “O young man, I will teach you a few words: Keep Allah, and He will keep you; guard Allah, and you will find Him before you; if you ask for something, ask Allah, and if you seek help, seek it from Allah. And know that if all people were to come together to benefit you in anything, they would not benefit you except in what Allah has written for you. And if they were to come together to harm you in anything, they would not harm you except in that which Allah has decreed for you. The calamamos have risen and the leaves have dried up.”.

Muslims, I urge you to have Taqwa from Allah. “You who believe! Fear Allah and abide with the truthful” (Tawba, 119).
Servants of Allah, there are indeed many occasions when, because of the maelstrom of the life of Dunia that we live, because of our problems, whatever they may be, we forget our principles.
We forget our bases.
We forget such fundamental elements as our purpose and function in this life – which is none other than to worship and know Allah.
We forget what we were created for; but, most tragic of all, we sometimes forget the Power of Allah, subhanahu wa ta’ala.
We live so immersed in ourselves, in our home, our children, our family, we are so devoted to the means, we live so conditioned by what surrounds us, that we forget that the one who really has the power to benefit or harm us is Allah.
That is why my responsibility in this place and in this hour is to remind you of the foundations of our journey, what we have spoken of so many times, the steps that we have taken so many times but that, no matter how many times we have done it, there are also many times in which we forget it.
This matter that we sometimes forget is what the Messenger of Allah taught to His Companions.
And he did it with the old and the young, without getting tired of repeating it at any time, without missing any opportunity to do so, because he, salla allahu alaihi wa sallam, knew the importance of these bases, he knew that these matters are on which our belief is built, and, therefore, he repeated them constantly.
This was the case with Ibn ‘Abbas, may Allah be pleased with both, who narrated the following: “I was one day riding behind the Messenger of Allah, Salla Allaahu ‘Alaihi wa Salllam, when he said to me: “O young man, I will teach you a few words: Keep Allah, and He will keep you; guard Allah, and you will find Him before you; if you ask for something, ask Allah, and if you seek help, seek it from Allah. And know that if all people were to come together to benefit you in anything, they would not benefit you except in what Allah has written for you. And if they were to come together to harm you in anything, they would not harm you except in that which Allah has decreed for you. The calamamos have risen and the leaves have dried up.”. Servants of Allah, how forgetful we are, how quickly we forget. How often do we forget the basis of our whole affair! How many times do we forget that the one who really gives us and the one who really takes from us is Allah! If we want something, who do we ask for? We have to ask Allah, and if we want Allah to answer that request, what we must do is what He teaches us in this Hadith the Messenger Muhammad, Salla Allahu Alaihi wa Salllam..
Guarda a Allah.
Protege a Allah.
Ten presente a Allah.
Guarda aquello que Allah te ha mandado guardar.
Cumple con las obligaciones que Allah te ha impuesto y, al mismo tiempo que lo haces, aléjate de todo aquello que te ha prohibido Allah; si lo haces, verás cómo Allah te guarda y te protege a ti; si lo haces, verás cómo Allah te protege en tu persona, en tu riqueza y en tu Din; verás cómo Allah te protege del mal comportamiento y de los shayatin de los genios y de los hombres.
Si eres capaz de guardar a Allah en tu vida de dunia, Allah te guardará a ti en dunia y en Ájira, Guarda a Allah.
Ten presente a Allah, y lo encontrarás ante ti, lo encontrarás junto a ti.
Si vas caminando hacia Allah, Él irá hacia ti corriendo; si te acercas a Él un palmo, Él se acerca a ti diez.
Guarda a Allah, y tendrás Su compañía, Su ma’iya.
Será tu protector y tu guardián.
Estará a tu lado por muchas dificultades que tengas, por muy oscura que veas la situación.
Si no te olvidas de Allah, Él no se olvidará de ti. “Recordadme, y yo os recordaré”. “Si pides algo, pídeselo a Allah”.
Si tienes alguna necesidad, si quieres algo, pídeselo a Allah, búscalo en Allah, ya que Él es realmente quien todo lo puede, quien todo lo tiene y quien todo lo da.
Sólo a Él debemos pedirle, y Él es quien nos lo dará utilizando los medios o las personas que quiera usar como intermediarios; no le pedimos más que a Él, puesto que Él está en todo momento cerca de nosotros.
Él sabe qué es bueno para nosotros y qué no lo es.
Por esta razón, es a Él a quien debemos pedirle, y si lo hacemos con sinceridad, Allah nos dará. “Y cuando Mis siervos te pregunten sobre Mí…, Yo estoy cerca y respondo al ruego del que pide cuando Me pide; así pues, que ellos Me respondan y crean en Mí. ¡Ojalá se guíen rectamente!” (Baqara, 186).
No pidas nada al hijo de Adam, pídele a Aquel Cuyas puertas no se cierran.
Allah se enfada si dejas de pedirle, mientras que el hijo de Adam, si se le pide, es él quien se enfada. The next piece of advice given by the Messenger of Allah to the young Ibn Abbas is: “If you seek help, seek it from Allah.”
Look for it in Allah, for Allah does not need us and we are the ones who need Him.
It is a detached help, without hidden interests, and that is wonderful.
We need His help at all times and in all situations.
No one but Him can give us the help we need, for He is the One Who created us and the One Who truly knows our needs.
Allah’s help is the only one that can truly benefit us, both in this life and in the next.
His help is what we seek because His help is the real one.
It is something that we repeat whenever we recite the Fatiha : “Iyaka na’budu wa iyaka nasta’in”, “Only You do we worship, only in You do we seek help”.
Because Allah’s help is the real help, it is the help that we really need, it is the help that we seek and the help that we need, and we ask Him alone.
Allah says in His Book: “If Allah helps you…, there will be none who can defeat you; but if he forsakes you, who but he will help you? In Allah the believers trust” (The Family of ‘Imran, 160). “Know that if all people were to come together to benefit you in anything, they would not benefit you except in what Allah has written for you. And if they were to come together to harm you in anything, they would not harm you except in that which Allah has decreed for you.”
This last piece of advice is the basis of all our knowledge, the foundation of our path.
It is that which our day to day life in Dunia makes us forget.
It is the belief in the Decree, to be aware that everything that happens to us, that everything that is happening in this world, both what we see and what we do not see, comes from Allah, whether it is good or bad, sweet or bitter, whether it is joy or sadness, whether it is difficulty or ease.
It is knowing that once Allah has determined that something will happen, it will happen without any doubt just as He has decreed; No matter how much people get together and try to benefit you in something, they will not be able to benefit you.
It is impossible for them to benefit you except in that which Allah has decreed for you.
And the reverse is true: no matter how much they gather, plot against you or make plans against you, none of it will harm you unless Allah has decreed it for you, for the real power is from Allah. “They plan and Allah plans, and Allah is the one who plans best.”
This is the basis of belief in the Decree: everything happens because Allah has so determined, both good and bad, wars, peace, death, life, poverty, wealth, difficulty.
Allah is the One who decrees and what He has decreed is what is fulfilled.
Allah says, addressing His Prophet Muhammad, salla allaahu alaihi wa sallam: “Say (O Muhammad) : Only what Allah has written for us happens to us.
He is the One who watches over us.
And may the believers trust in Allah.”
And, O Allah, we ask You to make us one of the believers who trust in You.
Shaykh Ahmed Bermejo Khutba, Great Mosque of Granada, January 6, 2017.