On October 7, 8 and 9, Almonaster la Real hosted the XXII Days of Islamic Culture, this year without restrictions, with a program full of activities and all the splendor and beauty of this town decorated for these special dates.
One more year, and after the cancellation in 2020 and limited edition in 2021, the streets of Almonaster were filled again with the market, parades, storytelling, and countless activities for all audiences that have returned the magic to this special place.
This year we had Mali as a guest country and the presence of its Ambassador to Spain, Mr. Abderahmane Baby, who accompanied us at the opening of the conference on Friday. Abderahmane Baby, who accompanied us at the opening of the conference on Friday and the conference or guided tour entitled, “Historical relations between Al Andalus and the sub-Saharan world,” with Khalid Nieto, vice president of the Seville Mosque Foundation.
It has been an honor and a real pleasure for us to be able to collaborate and enjoy these excellent days of coexistence, knowledge and enjoyment.

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