Summary of the Reforestation Workshop; Operation Encina.

On Sunday, February 9, the association “Operación Encina” held a reforestation workshop at the headquarters of the Mezquita de Sevilla Foundation. The workshop began with an introduction where the characteristics of holm oaks, the importance of holm oaks for the local ecosystem, their impact and symbiosis with the environment, both plant, animal and fungal and the methods of planting and caring for holm oaks were briefly explained.

After this explanation, the little ones and then the not so little ones were able to plant the acorns that they will take care of for three months, and then transplant them to the place where they will stay permanently.

From the Foundation we want to thank the association “Operation Oak” for the workshop, where all attendees, especially the little ones, enjoyed and learned more about local biodiversity, the importance of caring for and protecting the environment, local fauna and flora, which are of vital importance for a sustainable future and with a healthy natural environment that we can all enjoy.

Also remember that, in three months, in mid-April, there will be a meeting to plant the holm oaks in a place yet to be determined.