Summary of the VI Andalusi Meetings


Brotherhood and knowledge, two examples of what we have experienced in the past few days.

The days were opened on the 10th at three in the afternoon, with an excellent Khutba by Hajj Abdelghani Melara, with an explanation of the Hadhit of the Rasul, sallalahu aleihi wa salem, in which he expressed” The Din is Nasiha”. The imam explained how this term, nasiha, goes beyond advice, bringing it closer to the word “allegiance”, opening the meanings to when this allegiance refers to Allah, subhana wa ta ala, to his messenger, saws, and to the people of authority among Muslims.

Two hours later, the conference-presentation of the book “Decisive Education” took place. This event had a double objective: to inaugurate a new multipurpose space in the Foundation, and to give a lecture on the basic aspects of Islamic Education, in those aspects that parents and educators have to take into account to transmit a correct Din to the new generations. The ayats of the surat al Luqman, on which the central nucleus of the book is based, were recited and then the speaker, Hajj Khalid Nieto, referred to fundamental contents and concepts. Thus, having coherence in the teaching of Islam, the Iman and the Ihsan. The current validity of the Madhabs, and how they are the guarantee of the ascent to the source of knowledge and transmission of the phenomenon of Medina, the importance of respect for parents, neighbors and service in the wider society, community and neighborhood and dictated the ten principles listed in his work as Principles of Education in Islam.

The 11th began with a meeting on parenting, which consisted of a breakfast of mothers and children, and other women who joined this initiative. There was a brief presentation of intentions, but the most important thing was to generate this broad meeting of mothers who are in the process of raising children.

In the evening after the salat of Isha, the Tariqa Qadiri, shadili, Darqwi of Seville, which commemorated the 25th anniversary of the visit of Shaij Abdelqadir as Sufi, rahimahullah, to Seville under the order of his Muqadem Hajj Jalid Nieto, lived an evening of Samaa with all the ingredients of a small Mousem. The initial phrase that motivated the meeting was this: “The infinite light of Allah rests in all the places where He is remembered. And Allah does not lose even a glimmer of His luminosity.” The wird was recited and all attendees were welcomed. Reciting then Surat al Waqia and proceeding to the chanting of Qasidas from the Diwan of Shaykh Mohammed ibn al Habib, rahimullah, an imara circle was made and concluded with a ders on the Tarbiya in the tariqa and what was Shaykh Abdelqadir’s contribution to what was said by Shaykh Zarruq. A cous-cous was served and the fuqara that had come from different places of our Andalusian geography, chatted amiably during the dinner. We have to emphasize the presence of Hafiz Umar Perez who traveled from Mexico, and who was invited to recite before the Ders. A powerful night of Dhikr ended with the Fatiha.

The appointment on the 12th, was again in the mosque in order to recite Quran and to receive a tafsir class from Hajj Abdelghani. As usual this day parents come with their children to the mosque, so that this beautiful habit is acquired from an early age, coffee was served to all present and guests who had traveled to celebrate this meeting and after praying the Salat of Duhur, with the singing of the qasida, with which the fuqara say goodbye in their meetings, those present said goodbye with a general embrace, with the hope of a new meeting.