It is becoming increasingly difficult to distinguish between Islam and Islam, even for Muslims themselves.
How can we do this if we are bombarded by the media incessantly, taking the two terms as synonyms?
Moreover, Islamism has hijacked Islam so that practically non-Islamist Muslims have been excommunicated and taken to the dark room of the ignorant and heretics awaiting execution at the stake of history.
Fortunately, there is good news.
News that is anticipated in the Qur’an when it says: “The truth has come and falsehood has vanished. It is true that falsehood vanishes.” (Qur’an: Surah 17 Verse 81).
Islamism is a modern doctrine that aims (unsuccessfully, as we can see every day) to modernize Islam and Islamize modernity.
Its failure is not a consequence of Islam and modernity being incompatible, which they are not, but because Islam escapes the idealistic structuralism to which Islamism wants to subject it.
This is illustrated by one example among many that we can observe.
Islam is Sharia and it is Haqiqa.
That is to say: externally it is normative, a vital discipline, and internally it is a path of knowledge of the Truth.
We may add that this happens in all spiritual ways.
They all have a normative or disciplinary aspect, which includes a specific liturgy, as well as an aspect of transformation and inner knowledge.
Muslim scholars say that there can be no Sharia without Haqiqa, nor Haqiqa without Sharia.
The first would lead us to hypocritical rigidity and the second to intoxicated madness.
Islam is, by definition, the middle way or the balanced sum of both aspects.
Muslim qadis (judges) were not elected through competitive examinations or because they had studied fiq (Islamic law) at a prestigious Islamic university.
They were chosen for their human quality, for being just men.
Their knowledge of legal theory was not so much important as their value as exemplary human beings.
That human quality guaranteed not only that they would make an effort to study the law, but to make it an instrument at the service of Justice.
Nothing to do with the judges we have today, whose merits are measured according to technical skills to pass certain exams.
No one measures whether they are corrupt or honest, if they are brave or cowardly, if they are truthful or petty, if they apply the law without political interference.
To be in a court dispensing justice, it is only necessary to pass a competitive examination that qualifies you as a public official.
He can be a monster, a pervert, a psychopath and act perfectly as a judge.
That is why it is often said that “in the best of cases, the law will be applied in the courts of justice, but rarely will justice be done”.
The Islamist does not need to look for meaning in his life.
Like the student who learns a text or a mathematical formula by heart, he does not need to reflect on what he recites or practices.
In fact, he has created a structure that is responsible for filling the entire environment with meaning, so as long as the keys to the functioning of this structure are known, there will be no question that should concern him. The questions and answers are all recorded.
To question the structure is to attack society as a whole, it destabilizes the hive.
In the structure, human quality is not decisive, what is central is the leadership and the gear of the social machinery.
Islam is rather a hindrance because it affects the individual when it pushes the search for meaning and spiritual growth.
Therefore Knowledge must be reduced to erudition, and the pursuit to compliance.
Virtue is obedience.
Generosity is the sacrifice for structure.
This perversion of Islamism is not accidental.
It is not even some kind of decadent evolution of the original Islam.
Nor can we be satisfied with throwing balls out and, tying ourselves tightly to the Conspiracy Theory, think that it is a Jewish-Masonic plot to implant capitalism as the only world religion.
Islamism is the comfortable response to the abandonment of a spiritual discipline that is very demanding and within the reach of few.
It is a kind of religious devaluation to make it accessible to the masses.
It is the defeat of the nobility, of the spiritual aristocracy, by the vulgar, who secretly aspire to the privileges and ranks enjoyed by them.
To do this, they adopt certain forms that remotely resemble that of their lords but that have nothing to do with their essence and authenticity.
Islam would have existed among Muslims without the need for it to be nurtured by the enemies of Islam.
But the latter have seen the opportunity and the game that this phenomenon gives for their own interests and it has not been very difficult for them to feed it to the extremes that we know today, which are unbearable for humanity.
As with any plague that is born, spreads, exhausts resources and ends up dying, Islamism has its days numbered.
In its wake it will leave desolation and misery, but it will not put an end to Islam or Muslims, who will be reinforced by a natural purge that is repeated cyclically over the centuries.
Javier Salaberria -Abdul Haqq