The Moon of Ramadan’, speech by Hajj Khalid Nieto at the institutional iftar of the Three Cultures Foundation.


Peace with all.

Ramadan mubarak. To all fasters present.

Mr. Antonio Sanz. Councilor of the Presidency, Mr. Antonio Sanz. Mr. Advisor to His Majesty the King of Morocco, Mr. Andre Azulay. Mr. Director of the Three Cultures Foundation, Mrs. Concha de Santaana. Concha de Santaana.

Representatives of the religions of the book, Mr. Isaac Benzaquen and Mr. Gabriel Sanchez. Authorities, friends and especially my cordial greetings to the staff of this house that is so kind in every meeting. I am not going to describe what Ramadan is, since my predecessors in the word, both Gabriel and Isaac have already gone into it. I will go into a particular aspect which is the vision of the Ramadan moon.

Says Allah subhana wa ta ala in the exalted Qur’an. Surat al Baqara, 185.

“…therefore whosoever of you shall see the month, let him fast…”

In this Koranic verse there is an explicit command, the vision of the fourth crescent implies the beginning of fasting. And this has two meanings, one of a legal nature that affects the community and the other of an individual nature that affects the believer who has seen it.

As for the legal mandate basically consists in that the authority of the territory must sanction the beginning of Ramadan by the notice given to it of its display. This implies:

1. That the persons who have seen it, at least two of them, are Muslims with good social standing and possess honesty and sincerity in their lives.
2. That they have been examined by a judge knowledgeable in the circumstances of the lunar vision. And check the veracity of the testimony.
3. That the Islamic authority gives its approval and sanctions the news by decreeing the beginning of the month of fasting.

In the case of Morocco, it is one of the acts that the king performs from his position as Emir al Muminin.

The next step is to make this decree public and to duly announce it.

In the neighboring country, in addition to the TV commercial and social networks, there are cannon shots announcing the event, bagpipes are played, etc.

But what I am interested in highlighting is the meaning for the believer and the believers who see it, or go out to watch it.

Last March 22 a group of men, women and children went to an elevated place in the vicinity of the Motilla, Dos Hermanas and after a wait, which even allowed us to make the Salat of the maghrib, the moon appeared on our horizon. The moon we saw is the one you are seeing in the photo we have projected. The Ramadan moon seen in Seville.

For those who see it, it becomes mandatory for them to fast, even if the authority has not sanctioned it. The Koranic command of the Lord of the universe must be fulfilled.

The other thing that those who gaze at the moon possess is that they establish a sunna with which they gain a connection to the cosmos in motion. A connection to the primordial religion, that of Sayyidina Abraham, peace upon him, the Hanif who recognized divine oneness.

This cosmic connection is supported by the changing rhythms of the universe embedded in their prayer practice. And this marks their character. I have observed in people who look at the moon, that they are people of a great inner independence before the political and religious powers in any time and climate, as Ibn Khaldun said, and this does not mean to be socially apart.

They are people who care for creation and creatures in the plant, animal and human orders. And by their vital practice they are outside of technological tyranny.

I have also seen their ability to help their brothers, they give their best and help those who are lacking in this time of fasting, but in any other time as well.

These are people with whom living is a gift.

Dear all, this small space of time has concluded and I wish all of you present an evening of enjoyment and mutual knowledge and closeness. Salam.