Visit to Talat N’Yaaqoub, Marrakesh

During the past week we had the honor of being able to travel again to the epicenter of the earthquake in Morocco in September 2023.

During the first visit, made by our brothers, Rashid and Hafid from Grenada, in a convoy of firefighters and accredited professionals, just three days after the earthquake, we had the opportunity to reach the first line of aid. The situation then, with people still alive in the rubble, many dead and very difficult access conditions, was indescribable.

It has been months since then, and upon returning to these lands the first thing one notices is the great work and effort that has been done, and continues to be done in such remote places, by the local and national authorities, and the army, under the direct supervision of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, and the help that with so much solidarity has arrived from so many parts of the world.

Even so, much time and help is still needed to rebuild from this great devastation.

When you travel to a place like this with the intention and determination to help, you come back with the feeling that you have helped yourself. The hospitality with which we have been greeted at each stop, and the resilience and Ridha (acceptance/contentment) with which people have carried on with their lives is an impressive lesson.

Our sincere thanks to Mr. Mohamed Ait Al-Maati, an active member in the field of human rights in Morocco. Mohamed Ait Al-Maati, an active member in the field of human rights in Morocco, for coordinating the visit and his constant follow-up of the visit. To Mr. Abdessamad Amine Abdessamad Amine, Pacha and Caid of Talat N’yacoub, who welcomed us at the base camp and organized the visit to the village of Tamarout with Sidi Mohammed Abu Maryem, Sheikh of the Moldekhet Fraction, with whom we traveled to the aforementioned village.

May Allah have mercy on all those who have passed away, and grant all that they need to those who have been left and have the work of rebuilding. Amin.