Visit to the Commune of Soukan, Tazrout and Maqam of Muley Abdesalam Ibn Mashis, Morocco

President and Vice President of the Seville Mosque Foundation, Ibrahim Hernandez and Khalid Nieto, accompanied by two young people from the community; Hafiz Suleiman Castiñeira and Habib Nieto, a veterinary student, visited the Rif Mountains, in an area dependent on the province of Larache.

The trip has been organized since October 2022, with several objectives; to establish concrete bridges with Morocco, share experiences and establish future collaborations.

In all this, an essential part has been developed by Mr. Omar El Hartiti, who is Coordinator of social projects in the north of Morocco and a friend of the Foundation. Omar El Hartiti, who is the Coordinator of social projects in the north of Morocco and a friend of the Foundation. His family is originally from the area visited and this facilitated the trip and the meetings that took place.

It must be said that we were received with the utmost courtesy and treated generously. Both by our host, Mr. Omar, and by the president of the commune, Mr. Ahmed El Ouahabi. Ahmed El Ouahabi. Who despite having a busy day of work, was sharing with us at various times of the stay.

The reception took place at the Mayor’s Office. Where we were informed of the characteristics of the population and their needs and projects.

Since he was meeting with representatives of the 16 villages in the district, he invited us to participate and offer our support in coordinating school transportation for the Institute.

We also sat in one of the Quran recitation circles next to the tomb of Muley Abdesalam Ibn Mashis, Rahimahulah.

We were able to recite Surat Al Waquia and Salat Al Mashishia. And hear petitions to the Most High from the mouths of these descendants of the Wali.

In the second meeting with the President of the commune we discussed the possible transfer of a municipal space to be restored for associative use. This issue will be discussed with several associations interested in having a space in the area.

Before saying goodbye to such an excellent place, we visited Imam Khatib in his own home. A space he has prepared to receive groups of visitors.

We were able to enjoy the beautiful mountain scenery and visit one of the emblematic places for the Shadilia order.

The return, courtesy of Sidi Omar, took place from the border of Ceuta and was able to take the last boat back to the peninsula.

We will return to that land shortly, organizing a visit for a larger group, inshaAllah.