Visit to the Mosque of Dos Hermanas, with Professor Jaume Flaquer

Together with the professor of the Loyola University in Granada and member of the Andalusian Chair for the dialogue of religions Mr. Jaume Flaquer Garcia JHS, our vice president Hajj Khalid Nieto has made a courtesy visit to the Mosque of Dos Hermanos. Jaume Flaquer García JHS, our vice president Hajj Jalid Nieto has paid a courtesy visit to the Mosque of Dos Hermanas.

The professor, accompanied by two students from Loyola Seville, was excellently received by Mr. Sidi Rashid and Mr. Sidi Yussef, president and secretary of this community. The meeting was friendly and there was a great interest on the part of the students in the knowledge and history of Islam. The hosts prepared a welcome tea and showed the teacher, who speaks Arabic perfectly, their educational program.

During the course of the visit, the students, who are currently taking Arabic and Koran classes, recited several suras and maintained a praiseworthy order.

After the meeting, Mr. Jaume thanked us for the hospitable welcome.

After this meeting, the professor has been put in contact with members of the Granada Mosque Foundation to receive him and share knowledge and experiences.