XXIV Conference on Islamic Culture of Almonaster la Real

One more year, Almonaster la Real will go back in time and immerse itself in its Andalusian past at the XXIV Conference on Islamic Culture. The town will once again fill its narrow streets with the magic and charm of Islamic culture, creating a point of reunion, knowledge and coexistence.

Almonaster not only has a great natural beauty and heritage, but also offers during these days a wide cultural, academic, recreational and festive offer for the enjoyment of all audiences. Crafts, music, street entertainment and food will flood the central streets of the town. Also, this year the town council is once again committed to broadening the scope of its cultural activities by offering a wide range of talks and lectures on a variety of topics.

As every year, the Seville Mosque Foundation will offer complementary events to those offered by the City Council, contributing to the attraction of these meetings with a program full of activities presented below.

This year there will also be a very special exhibition, which opens on Friday 11 at 6 p.m. in the Blas Infante Hall, entitled; “Almonater and Mértola, 25 years of Islamic Culture Days”, where the posters of all the editions of the previous festivals will be exhibited.

We encourage you all to visit Almonaster during the next weekend; October 11th, 12th, and 13th!