Here is a short summary of the book «Menjejak Andalusia» by Ibrahim Kholilul Rohman. The summary is in English first and Indonesian later.
We are very grateful to Ibrahim Kholilul Rohman for the summary and to the authors of the book «Menjejak Andalusia» for their effort and work in reflecting the reality of this land and the Muslims who inhabit it, as well as having enjoyed the experience.
Following is the summary of «Menjejak Andalusia»:
This book talks about a wonderful place for decades known as Andalusia, which has contributed to the emergence of knowledge and science not only in Europe but also in the world. This book is certainly not the first to elaborate the stories about this place and the flowering of Islam in Spain today, but perhaps it is one of the types that combines three pieces of history: it is a bit of travel reports, it contains some nuances of history and, more importantly, draws the current conditions of the second generation of Spanish Muslims.
The authors were very inspired by the spirit demonstrated by the recent Spanish Muslim generation that exemplified a true Muslim color in the European continent; on how to be a good Spanish and at the same time a great Muslim. Among others, the spirit of learning and memorizing the Quran between the young generation and striving to build a mosque and a cultural center, a place to share joy and happiness, and a scene where the education of Islamic values leads to a better generation in the future.
Readers will be directed to trips surrounded by beautiful emblematic places in the history of Andalusia: Jabal Tariq (Gibraltar), Sevilla (Ishbiliyya), Córdoba (Qurthubah), Granada (Garnathah), Toledo (Thulaytullah), Jaén and Ronda. (Rundah): everything framed in the daily stories of when the authors had the privilege of interacting directly with the Muslim community in Spain and particularly in Seville for three years.
Unlike other books about Andalusia that lament between sadness and tears, this book gives a realistic view of the current generation that has rocky and optimistic spirits.
The book ranks fifth in October 2019 bestseller book on the Gramedia blog. Those who wish to obtain the book can find it in all Gramedia chains in the main cities of Indonesia. While readers who wish to obtain the book and the signature of the authors (and small postcards of Andalusia) can also send the query to the next number of WA Some authors may need a month or two to write a book, This book is a contemplation of a 1080-day light journey that was a true blessing from Allah.
Tentang suatu tempat bernama Andalusia yang selama delapan ratus tahun menatahkan goresan dengan tinta emas atas kegemilangan Islam yang banyak berkontribusi kepada hasanah ilmu pengetahuan di Eropa dan dunia.
Buku ini tentu bukan yang pertama bertutur tentang Andalusia dan Islam di Spanyol, tapi mungkin satu dari sedikit yang menggabungkan tiga keping cerita: tentang laporan perjalanan, sedikit tentang sejarah dan ceritera tentang kondisi Muslim di Spanyol saat ini.
Pernahkah dibayangkan dibalik kemajuan negara Spanyol, terdapat bilik-bilik tempat di mana pintu-pintu masjid kemudian terbuka bagi hidayah dan masuknya para Mualaf? Pintu-pintu yang dijaga dan disemai oleh para generasi kedua Muslim yang begitu gigih untuk menampilkan Islam yang rahmatan lil alamin dengan segala cara meskipun dengan segenap tantangan yang menghadang.
Buku ini adalah ringkasan perjalanan penulis di kota-kota yang menjadi bagian sejarah Andalusia yang masyhur di masanya: Jabal Tariq (Gibraltar), Seville (Ishbiliyya), Cordoba (Qurthubah), Granada (Garnathah), Toledo (Thulaytullah), Jaen, dan Ronda (Rundah).
Keping perjalanan ini dibingkai dengan cerita sehari-hari ketika penulis tinggal selama tiga tahun di Spanyol dan berinteraksi langsung dengan para Muslim Spanyol.
Gramedia blog menempatkan buku ini di peringkat kelima buku paling laris pada bulan Oktober 2019.. Buku ini bisa didapatkan di seluruh gerai Gramedia di kota-kota besar di Indonesia. Bagi para pembaca yang berkenan untuk mendapatkan bukunya, tanda tangan penulis dan sedikit kartu pos dari Andalusia, bisa menghubungi penulis di nomor WA berikut
“Beberapa penulis menuliskan tangis dan lara tentang Andalusia, buku ini akan menjadi pembasuh atas air mata yang mengalir dan dan menjadi cawan air minum di tengah dahaga di gurun yang tandus: cawan yang berisi gelora semangat dan mimpi-mimpi ke depan”

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