Sura Al Falaq / Sura de ¨El rayar del alba¨ – Recitación Warsh – Traducción Coran Español


Mequi. It has 5 verses and descended after the sura of “The Elephant”.

In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate.

(1) Say, “I take refuge in the Lord of the dawn’s lightning.

* [In Arabic “falaq”. On the meaning of this word, there is a whole variety of opinions among commentators.

Some interpret it with the meaning translated here. Others say it is a prison, a building, a river of Ŷahannam and even a tree.

The root of the word has to do with cleaving or cleaving, with some commentators explaining it as referring to everything in Creation that cleaves, such as the egg being fertilized, the dawn breaking and the seed germinating].

(2) From the evil of what he has created,

(3) from the evil of the night when it becomes dark,

(4) of the evil of those that blow in the knots

(5) and of the evil of the envious when he envies.

Translation by Abdelgani Melara Navío.
Recitation by Hafith Bashir Castiñeira Gamo.
Riwayat Warsh An Nafia