Almonaster Charter – A manifesto for coexistence and respect

The following is the text of ‘the charter of Almonaster; for coexistence and respect’. Read on October 12, 2023, during the inauguration of the XXIII Jornadas de Cultura Islámica de Almonaster la Real, Huelva, by Hayy Jalid Nieto.

In the context in which we found ourselves, and in which unfortunately we continue today, we could not avoid or ignore what is happening between Palestine and Israel, and we wanted to use the opportunity to make a call for coexistence and respect.

As was done in the presentation of the same in the Diputación de Huelva, or in each and every one of the interventions and opportunities we have had during the conference, we have condemned, without palliatives or possible justification, the attack perpetrated by Hamas against the civilian population in Israel. The brutal and inhuman reprisal by Israel against the civilian population in Gaza. And we have also condemned the illegal occupation and apartheid to which the Palestinian people have been subjected for more than 70 years.

Islam prohibits outright and unquestionably the killing of innocent people, as well as establishes rules of engagement in any altercation that exclude any use of force or attacks against women and children, as described and evidenced in the Book of Allah and the life and practice of the Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and grant him peace.

On this basis, we reject and condemn any act that goes against upholding this basic principle of protecting human life as a primary objective. We ask Allah to grant the highest of gardens to all those who have passed away, and to bless and protect those who are on the ground risking their lives to help protect, rescue and heal all those affected. Amin

Almonaster Charter
A manifesto for coexistence and respect

  1. The first question is whether humanity is really moving towards a horizon of rationality and fraternal respect, or on the contrary towards the irrationality of war and the indiscriminate subjugation of the strong over the weak.
  2. We also ask ourselves if truth is a precious commodity for everyone or on the contrary, misrepresentation and deception have taken its place in the world.
  3. As for justice, which must be based on the judgment of the truth of the facts and the independence of the judicial apparatus in its application, are all peoples and individuals treated equally, or do double standards dominate the sphere of nations and international bodies?
  4. And about the reality of the facts that call us to give a sensible answer, we have to say that the death of innocents on both sides is what centers the painful fact. And that the actions of Hamas, which have attacked life indiscriminately, must be eradicated. We therefore express our rejection and condemnation of such actions. Violence begets violence, and it must be stopped for the good of all.
  5. At the same time, we cannot close our eyes, nor can we deliberately hide the fact that for more than fifty years Israel has dispossessed the historical inhabitants of the lands of Palestine of life, property and land. With systematic methods as horrible as those used by Hamas. And that animalizing this population, a fact declared by the Israeli generals, is beyond any convention of humanity.
  6. It is therefore necessary to stop the violence, lay down arms on both sides and establish a process of containment mediated by the UN, enforcing the resolutions that have been historically unfulfilled, and restoring human dignity to the inhabitants of Gaza and the West Bank.
  7. We are in a process of continuous dialogue with the religions of the Book, Jews and Christians, and from that position, we know that this fact does not concern religion, and that it cannot be used to confront them.
  8. Our position of respect for other beliefs and ways of understanding life, is not of today. We have been present for more than thirty years in this beautiful place, Almonaster la Real, and twenty-four years participating in the Days of Islamic Culture, as a bastion of peace and coexistence between cultures.
  9. In addition to the universal justice that oppressed peoples deserve, we call for the establishment of educational guidelines that will lead our children to fraternity, respect and coexistence with their neighbors, regardless of their creed or race.
  10. And this will be possible if we educate people to love the country we live in, the nature we enjoy and our fellow countrymen and neighbors around the world. From there we will keep away the fundamentalism that social networks continually instill and the hate speeches that so easily nest in people, if they have not received this transmission.
  11. And we ask everyone, from their faith, to say a prayer to the Almighty, so that the leaders who have the possibility to stop this wound that bleeds humanity, have the courage to stop this violence that only brings death and despair.

Let us give place to reason, truth and justice. This will lead us to harmony and peace.

Hayy Jalid Nieto
Almonaster la Real, Huelva
October 12, 2023