24th Anniversary of the Ascension to the Throne of His Majesty King Mohammed VI

Yesterday was held at the Foundation Three Cultures of the Mediterranean, the feast of the throne commemorating the XXIV anniversary of the accession to the throne His Majesty King Mohammed VI, led by the Consul, Sidi Sidi Abbah, who addressed a few words in which he emphasized the close relationship of cooperation between Spain and Morocco and the historical and cultural ties that unite the two shores and their monarchs.

Representatives of Sevillian society, civil and religious authorities and the Moroccan community gathered to commemorate this special occasion that coincides with the 24th anniversary of the Three Cultures of the Mediterranean Foundation.

The event featured musical entertainment by Hamid Ajbar, and canapés of typical Spanish and Moroccan cuisine were tasted.

It is an honor for the Seville Mosque Foundation to have been invited once again to this important celebration of the Kingdom of Morocco with which we have close ties that we hope will continue to strengthen.