Islamic Cultural Center of Seville, an island of peace and happiness – article by

Muslims in Spain live orphaned of an entity to orient and guide them in the serene exercise of their faith, all this combined with their social duties as citizens. In this chaotic framework propitiated by a CIE-UCIDE, incapable of creating a minimum of rules and activity in favor of their community, hope resurfaces when we come across projects such as the Seville Mosque Foundation, a serious project that does not lose sight of the society to which it belongs and which it wants to serve. It is this type of initiative that promotes new yearnings and ways of living in a country in freedom, ideas far removed from any kind of radicalism and religious effervescence.

To the Seville Mosque Foundation, regardless of any interpretation of its methods and way of understanding Islam, we must recognize the merit and the effort made to complete a project that ennobles its founding principles, while offering a useful and necessary service. A model that should be copied by all those who use language as a way to conquer projects, in an attempt to lure innocent people, often succeeding, but which time and the truth are thrown away like a house of cards.

Within this haven of peace projected by the Seville Mosque Foundation, it would be necessary to make room for a space of analysis on the situation of the Muslims in Spain, which is missing, since the Foundation has enough material capacity and human resources to undertake this type of work, so necessary and so requested by the reality of the Spanish society itself, since in view of what has been seen, the Seville Mosque Foundation seems to be the only entity with the capacity of reflection and discernment to make assessments and point out pronouncements on matters of burning reality. Being and living in the convent purifies and invigorates, but sometimes it is necessary to go out and make contact with the reality that is lived outside.

The promotional video of the Islamic Cultural Center of Seville project, based on the successful precedent set by the Mosque of Granada and its cultural center, which is backed by more than 13 years of experience, as an example of coexistence with the neighborhood and the city authorities.

With this video the Foundation wants to show the true nature of this project. A project based on service, involvement and social responsibility, and the strengthening of ties between all members of Sevillian society.

The Islamic Cultural Center of Seville, undoubtedly implies the opening of new doors to a space of dialogue that has been transforming into wealth at all levels. A space of relationship that seeks to bring Islam and Muslims out of the low and local, and where Islam can be appreciated for its reality and its light.

Article published on November 28, 2022 on