Almonaster, XV Conference on Islamic Culture

From October 10 to 12, 2014, the XV Conference on Islamic Culture will be held in Almonaster la Real, Huelva, with the participation of the Seville Mosque Foundation.
The Muslim presence left a particular stamp in many parts of the Natural Park Sierra de Aracena and Picos de Aroche, which today retain considerable traces of their stay.
Being the first testimonies about its existence those of the Muslim geographer Abu Ubaid in the year 822.
Almonaster la Real is a faithful reflection of this time.
Its mosque crowns the hill from which the town grows downhill, with an urban network of narrow, winding streets.
The mosque has so marked the life of its neighbors that, for years, they have returned to its roots as the center of a festival that aims to transform this town into its predecessor: the Muslim Al-munastyr.
The fifteenth edition of the Days of Islamic Culture of Almonaster this year will feature three days in which you can enjoy all kinds of activities related to history, traditions and customs Muslims.
From October 10 to 12, the historic town will relive scenes from centuries ago when village life revolved around its mosque and market.

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