Fraternity event at the Fundación Tres Culturas

Coinciding with the celebration of the month of Ramadan and the night of the decree, Layla tul Qader, the Three Cultures of the Mediterranean Foundation organized a symbolic act of twinning between representatives of the three monotheistic religions of the Mediterranean.

The event was attended by the Secretary of Foreign Affairs of the Regional Government of Andalusia, Enric Millo; the director of the Three Cultures Foundation, Concha de Santa Ana; the diocesan delegate of the Archbishopric of Seville, Manuel Portillo; Isaac Berzaquen, President of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Spain; the Consul General of the Kingdom of Morocco, Cherif Cherkaoui and Khalid Nieto, vice-president of the Seville Mosque Foundation. All of them with emotional words of coexistence and respect.

The event was attended by the President of Fundación Más, Luis Miguel Pons, who made a generous symbolic donation of dates and milk that were later distributed among needy families.