(35) Allah es la luz de los cielos y la Tierra. Su luz es como una hornacina en la que hay una lámpara; la lámpara está dentro de un vidrio y el vidrio es como un astro radiante.
It is lit thanks to a blessed tree, an olive tree that is neither Eastern nor Western, whose oil almost gives light without being touched by fire. Light upon light.
Allah guides to His light whomever He wills.
Allah calls men’s attention by examples and Allah knows all things.
(36) In houses that Allah has permitted to be erected and His name to be remembered in them and in those that glorify Him morning and evening.
(37) men whom neither business nor commerce distracts from the Remembrance of Allah, from establishing the ṣalat and delivering the ẓakat. They fear a day when hearts and sight will become disjointed.
(38) Para que Allah les recompense por lo mejor que hayan hecho y les incremente Su favor. Allah provee a quien quiere fuera de cálculo.
Surah of Light, 35-38
Recitation by Hafith Bashir Castiñeira Gamo.
Translation by Abdelgani Melara Navío.
Riwayat Warsh An Nafia.