Presentation of ‘Zakat Sevilla’.

Zakat Seville is an initiative of the Seville Mosque Foundation so that, in a transparent and responsible way, a platform is established to facilitate that those who have to receive Zakat know where and how they can do it and those who have to pay it know how and how much.
Zakat is the third pillar of Islam and an obligation, as much as prayer or fasting in Ramadan, for every Muslim who meets the requirements for it.
In addition, Zakat is a right of those who receive it over the wealth of those who have to pay it.
It is also a way to put wealth into circulation in society and to avoid its stagnation.
The philosophy of Zakat Seville is that it is a transparent and reliable institution as well as open to anyone who meets the requirements to receive or pay it.
We also prioritize the location of the Zakat; that Zakat that has been collected in one place should be distributed mainly in that same place, unless there is no one to receive it.
This Friday, February 15, a khutba will be given about Zakat and informative leaflets will be distributed about Zakat, what it is, how to receive it and how to pay it.
Later on, a seminar on Zakat will be given, so that anyone interested can deepen their knowledge of Zakat.
This marks the beginning of this initiative which is a service that the Seville Mosque Foundation has been providing privately for years but we understand that the time has come to make it public, since it is part of our obligations.
For this reason, the objective is that Zakat Seville is an independent institution at the service of all Muslims in Seville.
For this Zakat Sevilla is committed to audit and publish the accounts on a regular basis and to keep a record, totally confidential, of those who give and receive it.
For more information about Zakat, click here.