Muslim Cemetery of Griñon What is happening?

At the end of 2011, agents of the Civil Guard reported that the burials that were practiced in the Muslim cemetery of Griñón did not comply with mortuary regulations, and in many cases, burials were carried out directly in the ground without a coffin.
After making inquiries about this information, it can be concluded that: • L The burials were not being carried out in accordance with the regulations.
• There was no standardized record of the different burials.
• The cemetery lacked the appropriate licenses.
• The ownership of the cemetery corresponds to the Spanish Army and not to the Moroccan Consulate as it appeared in the cemetery.
Due to all the above, the City Council has held numerous meetings with the Spanish army at the Captaincy General of Madrid, to regularize this situation.
In the same way, and as it is a very sensitive issue, meetings were held with the Consul of Morocco, with the Ministry of Health of the Community of Madrid, the Government Delegation and with different Muslim Associations derived from the Consulate of Morocco.
From the different meetings it was agreed that the Spanish army would cede the Muslim cemetery to the City Council of Griñón for a period of 50 years.
This transfer takes place on November 17 where the City Council signs the act of reception.
The intention of the City Council of Griñón is and has been from the first moment the regularization of the cemetery in accordance with current legislation.
All these actions were transferred to the Pluralism and Coexistence Foundation, an agency under the Ministry of Justice, as well as to the CIE (Islamic Community of Spain), in meetings that took place in the City Council of Griñón itself.
Due to the irregular situation of the cemetery in terms of the lack of licenses, health risks, lack of records, non-compliance with the mortuary law, the City Council proceeds to the temporary prohibition to carry out burials, during the processing of the file, for the regularization of this activity, being necessary reports from Health.
This temporary prohibition was communicated to all the parties mentioned here, as this measure was necessary in accordance with the Law itself, since otherwise the City Council itself would be responsible for this anomalous operation.
The City Council of Griñón is working in collaboration with the Ministry of Justice and the Islamic Commission of Spain in the preparation of the administrative and technical specifications necessary to put this concession out to tender, so that in the shortest possible time the new burials can be carried out in accordance with current legislation.
Finally, it should be noted that the Muslim cemetery will remain open to visitors from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Due to all of the above, communication has been received from the Government Delegation informing of a concentration in the Plaza Mayor of Griñón for Sunday, November 23, 2014, from 5 to 7 p.m. with an estimated participation of 300 people.
This concentration will be added to the one planned for the same day at the Ministry of Justice with the slogan THEY CLOSE THE CEMETERY FOR US, THEY OPEN OUR WOUNDS.
On the part of the City Council, the necessary measures have been taken to guarantee security in the concentration, in collaboration with the Security Forces and Corps.

EXPLANATORY NOTE – Published by Riay Tatary, President of the CIE Giving a dignified burial to our deceased relatives is a concern for all in general and for our entire national Muslim community in particular, this being a very sensitive issue with a serious emotional burden for those who suffer the loss of their loved ones.
The Muslim cemetery of Griñón (Madrid) has provided and continues to provide a great service to our Spanish Muslim and immigrant community, and in the face of the spread of misinformation, we are morally obliged to remind our community of believers that alarming gossip should not be created or propagated, and even less so on such a delicate and sensitive issue as being able to bury our deceased. We must therefore inform that the Ministry of Defence granted the City Council of Griñón the concession of free public domain over the Muslim cemetery of Griñón, accepted by the Plenary on September 15, 2014.
The resolution and announcement of Decree 1,595 of November 17, resolving the temporary suspension of burials in the now Muslim Municipal Cemetery of Griñón, while the pertinent measures are adopted for its comprehensive rehabilitation, can be consulted from the City Council’s website at the following link:

YourCity Council/Anuncio_Cementerio_Musulmxn_de_Grixn.pdf The meetings and conversations held on the matter by the secretary general of the Islamic Commission of Spain and president of the Union of Islamic Communities of Spain, who transferred to Griñón, with the participation of the head of the Islamic Community of Griñón, have been to ensure the continuity and integrity of the cemetery, and not to close it in any way. no agreement has been signed and even less with the content that is being disseminated with the consequent unjustified alarm and creation of negative opinion among brothers of good will.
We bring all this to the attention of the general public, with all due transparency, so that the legally appropriate steps that are being taken for the continuity of the service can be appreciated, complying with the City Council of Griñón simply with the current law, having to transmit calm and serenity to our religious community, young and old.
Riay Tatary Secretary General of the Islamic Commission of Spain, President of the Union of Islamic Communities of Spain, Madrid, 22/11/2014. ISLAM TODAY

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