Day of Ashura

On Tuesday, November 4, the day of Ashura was celebrated, in which during the breaking of the fast we had the honor of having the presence of a guest from the United Arab Emirates, among the many Sevillians who attended.
Below is an article from Islam Today, which explains the relevance of this day for Muslims and why they fast on it.

When the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) came to Madinah he ordered his followers to fast on the day of ‘Ashura, and informed them that whoever fasted on that day would be forgiven all minor faults committed in the previous year. Both Muslims and Jews remember the day when Allah saved Musa (Moses), peace be upon him, and his people at the Red Sea from the clutches of Pharaoh. This day is named ‘Ashura’, which means (in both Hebrew and Arabic) “tenth day”.
All religious celebrations in Islam aim to remember some important event that brings us many and very beneficial teachings.
The purpose of celebrations in Islam is not simply to hold a feast, but for believers to learn from the examples of the past.
The story of Musa (Moses), peace be upon him.
Musa, peace be upon him, was a Prophet of Allah.
He was born in Egypt approximately 3400 years ago.
Musa, peace be upon him, was an Israelite and a descendant of the Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham), peace be upon him.
Before Musa was born, the Pharaoh of Egypt, who was a tyrant and idolater, ordered all Israelite children to be killed because it was said that he would be killed by one of them.
But Allah, may He be praised, saved Musa, peace be upon him, protecting him when his mother put him in a basket and let him go down the Nile River so that he would not be found by Pharaoh’s soldiers.
The Pharaoh’s wife found the baby and, since she had no children, she convinced the Pharaoh to adopt him, and so Musa was raised in the palace.
But Allah, praise be to Him, caused Musa’s real mother to be hired in the palace as a nurse; And so, his mother fed him from a young age and taught him the belief in one God.
When Musa, peace be upon him, was already an adult, he accidentally killed an Egyptian who was mistreating a weak person.
For this, he had to escape.
Musa, peace be upon him, stayed to live in Midian; There he married and worked as an animal herder.
One day, Allah spoke to him from a burning bush and ordered him to return to Egypt to deliver the believers.
Musa, peace be upon him, obeyed Allah without hesitation because he was a Muslim (who submits and obeys Allah’s commands), even though he knew how dangerous it was to return to Egypt.
Musa returned to Egypt, and together with his brother, the Prophet Harun (Aaron) be upon him, they went to Pharaoh to tell him that Allah wanted him to release the believers.
However, Pharaoh was evil and proud, so he refused and sent his magicians against Musa, peace be upon him; but Allah caused Musa to overcome them.
The magicians, seeing the power of Allah, believed in Him, and Pharaoh had them killed for it.
As Pharaoh was determined to disobey Allah’s command and did not let the Israelites go free, Allah commanded nine plagues (punishments) against him and his people; until, finally, Pharaoh let the believers go.
Musa, peace be upon him, left Egypt with his people and took them to the Red Sea.
Even so, Pharaoh went in search of Musa and his followers.
Beside Pharaoh were his soldiers, ready to kill Musa and those who were with him. And once again Allah, praise be to him, saved Musa, and his people, by ordering him to strike the sea water with his staff and the sea parted in two, leaving a path where the Israelites passed.
When Pharaoh and his soldiers wanted to get through, Allah turned off the waters and they all drowned.
Before he died, Pharaoh recognized that Musa’s God was the One True God, but it was too late; so Allah let him drown and told him, as mentioned in the Qur’an, that He would preserve his body as an example for generations to come.
Allah says, Yunus Surah, 90-92 (in the English translation):
We caused the children of Israel to cross the sea, and Pharaum and his armies pursued them with hostility and injustice, until when he saw that the waters were drowning him, he said, “I believe that there is no god but Him in whom the children of Israel believe, and I am of those who submit.”Now, when did you disobey before and were of the corrupters?Today we will throw your body on solid ground in order to be a sign for those who come after you.But it is true that many of the men are indifferent to Our signs.

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