Lady Aisha College – First Graduation!

Our congratulations to Lady Aisha College!
To all the women who have made this first year possible and of course to their students!
Below is a short letter from the Head of the College, Hajja Rahima Brandt.

Asalaamu alaykumWe did it!
We have reached the end of our first year with all the students who started with us completing the course.
Two additional students who accompanied us from July, as part of the new graduated entry, which will end
Congratulations to all our students! On 27 November, the first graduation ceremony took place at the Centre for the Book in Cape Town. The students were awarded with ebony and silver brooches with the emblem of Lady Aisha College.
Two students were awarded additional prizes. The Highest Achievement Award Academic went to Jamila Ndaba, from Pretoria, and the award for transformation throughout the year and refinement in the
adab went to Zahara Díaz, from Spain. Our thanks go to all those who have helped us throughout this year. We are enormously grateful. Looking forward to starting next year and continuing the growth of this exciting and important learning center for our young Muslim women. Best regardsHajja Rahima BrandtDirector

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