“Allah is the Rich One and you are the needy”, Shaykh Ahmed Bermejo

Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala says in His Book: “O men! You are the ones who need Allah, while Allah is the Rich, Himself Praised” (35:15).

This verse of the Qur’an is a tremendous reality that we often forget and therefore it is necessary that we return to it constantly, because it has the highest memory, the memory of our most real essence, the memory of a reality that despite the fact that this society makes us want to forget constantly we must make an effort not to do so.

For there is nothing more real in this existence than this verse. We are in need of Allah, we need Him in all our affairs, in the highest and the most subtle, in the most important and in the most insignificant, in every instant, moment and situation we need Him, in every blink, every breath, every beat of our heart we need Him.

Allah describes us in this verse as fuqara, as the poor, those who are in need; In need of what? In need of Him, a need that continues, a need that does not cease. And He does not call us fuqará to discredit us or to despise us, on the contrary, He does it to elevate us, because when one recognizes the need before His Lord, He gives him everything he needs and even more, because He is the gani, the rich one and we will fuqará them, the poor who need Him.

And so Allah says in another verse of similar meaning: “Allah is the Rich One, and you are the needy; if you turn away, he will replace you with other people, and they will not be like you” (47:38)

We do not exist, we do not live, we do not breathe if it is not for Him. We need Him and He does not need us, for He is the One who depends on nothing and on whom everything and we all depend. We worship Him and He doesn’t need our worship. We praise Him and He does not need our praise, for He is Himself Praised. We love Him and He does not need our love.

And so one of the great men of knowledge said: “When Allah created man He bestowed wealth upon Himself and poverty upon them; therefore whoever claims wealth (the non-need of Allah) outside Allah will be veiled from Him, and whoever is truthful in his poverty and need, it will lead him to closeness to Him.” And I ask you, can we aspire to something higher than the nearness of Allah?

But if that wasn’t enough, we know that the most wonderful thing about this reality is that the more we soak it up, the more we imbue ourselves with it, the more it benefits us and the more gifts and blessings it brings us. For if we recognize our sincerity and need for Him, we will surrender to Him, put our trust in Him and then we will obtain one of the greatest goods and gifts to which we can aspire, we will obtain and attain the love of Allah; for He Himself says in His Book: “Trust in Allah, it is true that Allah loves those who put their trust in Him.”

Allah covers us with His Love when we surrender to Him. Allah covers us with His blessings when we are thankful. Allah gives us and gives us even more when we sincerely ask Him, for He is close to us, for He knows that we are in need of Him. The question is: Are we capable of recognizing it or are we so foolish that we think we are fending for ourselves?

But we forget… and our forgetfulness and audacity leads us to think that we are the main actors, that we are the ones who make things happen, that everything depends on and revolves around us, that we are the rich and that we do not need anything or anyone. But no, Allah is the Rich One and we are the needy!

Subhanallah! Is there anyone more praiseworthy than Allah, the Praised? Is there a rich man more generous than Allah? Is there a lord more merciful than Allah? Is there anyone more deserving of being loved and worshipped than Allah? Is there anyone in whom to put our trust more worthy than Allah?

By Allah there is none, by Allah there is not, by Allah there is not. And do you know what this rich man tells us that he does not depend on anything and on whom everything depends? Do you know what the one we need in every breath and every beat of our heart tells us? That if we take one step toward Him, He will take ten steps toward us; that if we go to Him walking, He will come to us running, ready to love us, to forgive us, to give us everything we need. Allahu Akbar!

Today we need this, in this world of darkness that we are living in we need this light, a real and resplendent light, a light that brings with it nothing but good, a light that whoever soaks it up is able to overcome all trials and difficulties, and the origin of this light is none other than to recognize the reality of this verse, that we need Allah, the Mighty over all things.

O Allah we ask You to make us recognize our inability and dependence on You and we ask You O Allah, You who are the generous, the most generous of the generous, You who are the Praiseworthy Himself, to cover us with Your mercy, for if it were not for it, we would be nothing. Amin.

Written by Ahmed Bermejo in http://ahmedbermejo.com/2020/02/03/allah-es-el-rico-y-vosotros-sois-los-necesitados/