Reception of the Indonesian group at the headquarters of the Mosque Foundation of Seville

Recently, the Fundación Mezquita de Sevilla received a visit from a group of Indonesians who were traveling with Ilimtour. This group was received by the president of the Foundation, Ibrahim Hernández. At this reception, the president of the Foundation informed the group of the status of the construction project of the Cultural Center and the activities that are carried out, both regular and those that are in development. Before leaving, they delivered a sadaqa as a sign of support for the Foundation and the work it does. Likewise, the group presented the president of the Foundation with a courtesy gift.

For us it is a pleasure to be able to receive groups of visitors from other countries, since the doors of our center are always open to anyone who wants to visit us and learn more about who we are and the activities and projects we carry out.

It is also a pleasure to be able to collaborate with travel agencies such as Ilimtour, as these meetings bring Muslims from all over the world into contact and exchange ideas, experiences and forge bonds between people from different countries. From the Foundation we wish you a good trip, may Allah reward you for your generosity and we hope to be able to receive you again soon.