On the Night of the Decree, Sheikh Ahmed Bermejo

We are in the last ten days and nights of Ramadan, the last third, the third of the Deliverance from Fire.
These are probably the most important days of the month of Ramadan, the days of greatest baraka and blessing; although I have to confess that these days are especially difficult for me and that I am almost counting down the days that are left, but well, I always console myself by telling myself that it is that freeing oneself from the Fire is something hard and difficult.
The last ten days, with their last ten nights, nights among which there is one that is better than a thousand months, a special night, a night that was given to the Messenger of Allah for his Ummah, and that knowing the reason for it, we cannot help but admire and thank the Prophet once again, Salla Allahu Alaihi wa Sallam, all that He did for us.
It has been reported that when the Messenger of Allah was aware of the great longevity of the previous communities, he was distressed to see that his people would not live the same as them and that then they would not be able to do the same number of good deeds and that therefore their hasanat count would be lower. because they would be incapable of competing with those who preceded them.
This was a very hard thing for the Messenger, who always wanted the best for us, who was always bent on us, who did everything he did for us, and then, for us, he asked Allah to compensate for this in some way.
And so Allah, subahanahu wa ta’ala, to comfort the sorrowful heart of the Messenger, gave him and all his Ummah, all of us, a night that is better than a thousand months.
A night that is better than a thousand months, a night in which we can get a reward equivalent to what we would get in 83 years, in a lifetime, and all this because of the favor of the Messenger of Allah, all because of the immense concern of the Messenger of Allah in us, all because of the commitment of the Messenger of Allah in us.
A night that we don’t know what it is; but… we don’t know what it is… how is that possible… a night that is better than a thousand months and we do not know what exactly it is… How difficult it is for us to understand this in our closed minds!
But it is so, we do not know what it is, we cannot fix it exactly, although from the reliable transmissions that have reached us, we say that it is in the last ten nights, with a greater possibility in the odd ones and with an even greater possibility in the last of the odd ones.
But we do not fix it, we do not know it and this, despite the fact that there are people who consider it a nuisance and something incomprehensible, it really is not, on the contrary, it is a stimulus, it is an opportunity, it is a way to raise our desire, to renew our intention, to strive to achieve it, to seek with hope in these last nights.
Since… Be honest, if we knew what it is exactly, we would focus on it and leave the rest right?
So that this does not happen, so that we do not fall into that apathy so typical of human beings, neither Allah nor His Messenger have fixed it for us, if it does not change, it is not the same every year. In fact, there are ‘ulamas
who believe that it can be any night of the year, so that on every night of the year, we turn to our Lord and seek His Forgiveness and His Pleasure. On this night which is better than a thousand months, which contains many blessings, which is a token of the love of the Messenger of Allah towards each and every one of us, which is a token of Allah’s Mercy towards us, if we find it, if Allah gives us the favor to live it and to recognize it, what should we do? This same question was asked by the Mother of the Believers (‘Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her) to the Messenger of Allah, and the Messenger of Allah replied saying:
“Say: O Allah you are forgiving, you love indulgence, be forgiving to me.”“Allahumma inna ‘afuwwun, tuhibbul ‘afwa, fa’fu ‘anni”. This is the dua’
And do not overlook it, do it abundantly on these nights, but I would like you to reflect on it for a moment, for, in my opinion, it is a sign of the purest essence of Allah and of the courtesy with which we should address Him: O Allah you are forgiving, You are forgiving, and you love indulgence, you love forgiveness, you love to see that your servants are able to be forgiving themselves and forgive, and therefore, as there is no one who can forgive my faults more than you, as there is no one who can have more indulgence towards me than you, I ask you, from the deepest and most sincere part of my heart, that you be indulgent to me, that you forgive me and cover me with your pleasure.
We can get many things on this night, thousands of blessings and rewards, the worship we do on it will be like what we do in a thousand months, prayer, sadaqa, generosity, recitation of the Qur’an, good deeds, all of these we can do, all of them we will multiply, but all these things being of incalculable value as they are, they can be compared to the Forgiveness and Indulgence of Allah, That it is that, with His permission, will open the doors of the Garden to us?
I cannot give you better advice than this, strive on these nights and constantly repeat on them this dua’: “O Allah you are forgiving, you love indulgence, be forgiving with me.” “Allahumma inna ‘afuwwun, tuhibbul ‘afwa, fa’fu ‘anni.” And in these blessed days of this blessed month, with sincerity and courtesy, with trust and hope, with need and longing, we turn to you O Lord and ask you: “O Allah you are forgiving, you love indulgence, be forgiving to us.”www.ahmedbermejo.com