Khutba in response to the Paris attacks

Muslims, I urge you to have Taqwa from Allah.

“And bring provisions, although the best provision is the fear (of Allah). So beware, you who understand the essence of things.”

Allah says in His Book:

“And whoever has made the weight of a tiny particle of good will see it; and he who has made the weight of a minimum particle of evil, will see it.”

Servants of Allah, verily everything we do in our life is recorded.
Our words, our actions and even our intentions are recorded by two noble angels to whom Allah has entrusted this task; and they carry it out scrupulously, they leave nothing unnoted, and on the Day of Resurrection, when we stand before Allah, without interpreter or translator, these two angels will come and, on one side of the scales, they will put the good deeds that they have written down throughout our lives, and on the other side, they will put the bad deeds that we have committed.
If the plate of the scales of good deeds is heavier, with Allah’s permission, we will enter the Garden; if the plate of the scales of evil deeds is heavier, then our destination will be the Fire of Yahannam.
And may Allah deliver us and protect us from him.
How is it possible, then, that knowing as we do this, there are people who call themselves Muslims, which means they have to know this, cause crimes and transgressions as serious as those we witnessed just a few days ago?
Do they think they are superior?
Do you think that you are above this principle which is the basis of our Deen?
It’s impossible, no one is above this.
There is no one who can justify committing the murder of innocent people, there is no possible excuse, there is no teaching in the Deen, there is no verse in the Qur’an, there is no hadith of the Messenger of Allah,
s. a. w.
, that allows or calls for the commission of this type of despicable acts.
Islam is innocent; in Islam there is no place for this type of people.
Those who do these acts are completely outside Islam and are not of the Muslims.
It is impossible for them to be, for they are going against the most basic principles of our Deen.
Allah says in His Book:

“Verily in the Messenger of Allah you have a beautiful example for one who has hope in Allah and in the Last Day and remembers Allah very much.”

The Messenger of Allah, sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam, is our example, he is the model that we must imitate, he is our reference and he is the one who truly deserves to be followed, since he is the best human being that has ever been and will be on the face of the earth.
Did the Messenger of Allah do in his lifetime any act such as that which such despicable people have committed?
No, he never did.
How is it possible then that people who call themselves their followers commit them?
Verily, the Messenger of Allah, the best of creation, the most righteous of all creatures, was a man who returned good for evil, thus turning his enemies into friends.
He was a man who did not get angry, unless the limits of Allah were overstepped, and he was a man who, above all things, applied justice, whether for him or against him. This man, chosen by Allah from among ourselves, who purifies us and teaches us the Book and Wisdom, is the example we should have in our lives.
And this is not impossible, we cannot say that his guidance and teaching are no longer applicable in the world in which we live.
Of course they are, and all the more so in these murky times of fitnas and tribulations.
When the Messenger of Allah went to Taif to spread the call of Islam in that land, he gathered the people and began to speak to them.
They listened to him, but they mocked him; they rebuked him, insulted him, chased him throwing stones at him, and he had no choice but to flee and take refuge in an orchard.
While he was there, the angel of the mountains came to him and said: “O Muhammad, Allah has heard what these people have said and has sent you to the angel of the mountains to ask him for whatever you want; if you wish, I crush them with the mountains.”
What did the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) reply, that he had been insulted, ill-treated and beaten?
He said, “No. What I hope for is that Allah will raise up from among them those who worship Allah without associating anything with Him.”
This is the example, this is the model, this is what we Muslims should follow, this is what Islam calls us to, this is truly the wisdom, mercy and forgiveness that all Muslims should adopt in our lives.
Servants of Allah, it is indeed painful for us to have to listen and see what is going on around us.
We are grieved and hurt in our hearts by the amount of suffering that a handful of despicable people are causing, the enormous evil that a few are doing to the image of Islam and to Muslims; and worst of all, these people, these deviant beings, proclaim to act in the name of Islam.
I repeat it to you once again, Islam is free of these people, Islam is innocent of what these beings do. The one who acts in this way is not following Islam, so he cannot be counted among the Muslims.
They are really hypocrites, who say with their tongues what is not in their hearts; worse than that, they are from the Jawariy.
Allah says:

“When you see them, you like the way they look, and if they speak, their words catch your attention. They are like logs that hold nothing. They believe that any shout is directed against them. They are the enemy, be careful. May Allah kill them! How they lie!” (Munafiqun, 3).

These are the hypocrites.
These are the enemies, those who believe that any shout is directed against them, those who have sealed hearts, those who are not able to understand, those who say with their tongue what is not in their hearts, those who swear by Allah that they belong to the Muslims without it being true, those who lead the believers astray from the path of Allah, those who divert ignorant people, those who make a handful of unfortunates put bombs on themselves and murder innocent people, those who call themselves Muslims but do not do what Islam has established.
Be careful, they are the enemy, they are the enemy of Islam and they are the enemy of human beings.
Fear Allah, O His slaves.
Get away from this fanaticism, get away from this madness that we see around us.
Do this by turning to Allah sincerely, clinging to the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah, with your teeth if necessary, all united by Allah and His Messenger, fulfilling what Allah and His Messenger command us, turning away from what Allah and His Messenger forbid us.
Then we will be sincere, so that Allah will see the sincerity of our hearts and give us victory as He gave to the sincere Muslims in Madinah when the enemies attacked them on all fronts.
This is the sunnah of Allah that is repeated in His universe.
If we are sincere in our love for Allah and His Messenger, Allah will give us success and triumph in this life and in the next.
O Allah, we ask You to give us sincerity towards You.
O Allah, protect us from the evil of fitna.
O Allah, protect us from the evil of Your enemies and give us a sincere love for You and Your Messenger that will lead us to the best of this life and the next.
Sheikh Ahmed Bermejo Khutba Great Mosque of Granada