Activities & Events

El Salat

El segundo pilar del Islam es el Salat (la oración), y es obligación para todo musulmán el rezar cinco veces al día en sus tiempos prescritos. El Salat, es la piedra angular del Din. Es el acto de sometimiento a Allah, de conversación intima y expresión de gratitud y de humildad. Es una pauta diaria que incluye movimientos corporales, palabras, así como un estado de …

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The Shahada

The first pillar of Islam is to pronounce the Shahada: Ash hadu anla ilaha il’Allah, wa ash hadu anna Muhamadar rasulullah I bear witness, that there is no God except Allah, and I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah The belief and testimony that there is no God except Allah and that Muhammad is His messenger. The …

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Khutba: In unity is strength

Servants of Allah: Verily, Allah, subhanahu wa ta’ala, has commanded the sincere believers to unite in communality, to remain united, and warns them about separation, strife and strife; he says: “Hold fast together to the rope of Allah and do not be separated” (Family of Imran, 103). Verily, Allah, subhanahu wa ta’ala, has commanded sincere believers to unite in community, …

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The Islamist plague

It is becoming increasingly difficult to distinguish between Islam and Islam, even for Muslims themselves. How can we do this if we are bombarded by the media incessantly, taking the two terms as synonyms? Moreover, Islamism has hijacked Islam so that practically non-Islamist Muslims have been excommunicated and taken to the dark room of the ignorant and heretics awaiting execution …

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Meeting in the Chamber of Commerce with Malaysian investors

Within the scope of collaboration with the Seville Chamber of Commerce, and with the purpose of attracting investment to the city of Seville, the first reception was given to a group of Malaysians, formed by Dato Wan Arif, Datuk Syed Khalid and Ibrahim , Who came to Spain in search of investment opportunities. In the reception organized by the Chamber …

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Agreement of collaboration with the Chamber of Commerce of Seville

The Official Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Services and Navigation of Seville, through its President, Mr. Francisco Herrero León, and the Seville Mosque Foundation, represented by its Vice-President, signed on Monday, March 23rd at the Club Antares. This agreement was signed with the aim of establishing a framework of collaboration and cooperation for the realization of projects related to the promotion …

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