Activities & Events

Statement from Marrakech

  During the days 25th, 26th and 27th of January 2016, a summit meeting was held in Marrakech (Morocco) in order to publish a common declaration in defense of the rights of non-Muslim minorities in Muslim-majority countries: Statement from Marrakech.  The signatories of this initiative, by the invitation of King Mohammed VI from Morocco, gathered in this international summit meeting …

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Visit of Datuk Seri Reezal Merican, Malaysia’s Deputy Foreign vice Minister.

It is an honor and a pleasure to have received Datuk Seri Reezal Merican, Malaysia’s Deputy Foreign vice Minister, and thus have the opportunity to correspond minimally to the tremendous courtesy and generosity that we are always welcomed in Malaysia. All a privilege to have spent the day with him and his family in Seville, to whom we thank you …

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II Meeting of Muslim Women in Seville

Saturday 9th of January, will take place in Seville the II Meeting of Spanish Muslim Women, organized by the Islamic Cultural Center of Seville. The titles to discussed in this second meeting are: ¨The history about the origin of the identity of the Shias.¨ ¨Study on Fatima and Aisha in its historic context.¨ The lectures will be given by Zulaikha …

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Jutba: La apertura del pecho al Islam (Audio Español/Árabe)

2 (214)¿O acaso contáis con entrar en el Jardín sin que os suceda algo similar a lo que les sucedió a vuestros antepasados? La desgracia y el daño les golpearon y ellos se estremecieron hasta el punto de que el mensajero y quienes con él creían llegaron a decir: ¿Cuándo vendrá el auxilio de Allah?¿Pero acaso el auxilio de Allah …

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  The Amir of the Islamic community in Spain announces that not having been sighted the crescent of the moon in the reference area; today is set the start of Ramadan for next Tuesday 7th of June. The month of Sha’ban has been fulfilling with its cycle of 30 days. Allah says in the Qur’an O you who have believed, …

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