Activities & Events

Iftar with Tun Abdullah Ahmed Badawi, former Prime Minister of Malaysia

In the last Iftar in Malaysia, before returning to Seville, the delegation of the Seville Mosque Foundation was invited to iftar, organized by Tun Abdullah Ahmed Badawi, former Prime Minister of Malaysia. It was an honor and great pleasure to meet him again, as we are very grateful for his support and hospitality. During the event the delegation held a …

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Frederick Oumar Kanouté recibe el Premio Internacional de Benevolencia, Turquia

El miércoles 13 de marzo, Oumar Kanouté recibió en Ankara, Turquía, el Premio Internacional de Benevolencia (International Benevolence Award – İyilik Ödülleri), de la Turkiye Diyanet Foundation. Un premio a su vida, dedicación y beneficencia continua para con los demás. El Programa de los Premios Internacionales de Benevolencia, estuvo presidido por Recep Tayib Erdogan, Presidente de Turquia, y contó con más …

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Foro ‘Intercambio cultural entre España e Indonesia’

El jueves 21 de marzo de 2019 tendrá lugar el foro ‘Intercambio cultural entre España e Indonesia’ en la Fundación Tres Culturas. El evento comenzará a las 17:00 y concluirá a las 21:00. El foro consistirá en tres mesas redondas y concluirá con un concierto fusión de música de Indonesia y Flamenco y una degustación de cena ‘halal’. El foro …

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Meeting with His Highness Sultan Mizan of Terengganu

His Highness Sultan Mizan of Terengganu received this morning the delegation of the Seville Mosque Foundation, in his palace at Kuala Lumpur. It was an honor to be able to present the project of the Islamic Cultural Center of Seville, and he was very attentive at all times, did not go away just a few minutes of conversation to coincide …

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Reunión organizativa para el X Festival Islámico de Mértola

Este año se celebra el veinte aniversario del Festival Islámico de Mértola, siendo este un festival bienal, coincide con la décima celebración. Bajo este espíritu, la Cámara Municipal de Mértola lleva celebrando una serie de reuniones con las partes organizadoras e interesados, para hablar sobre la evolución de este festival, las cosas que se pueden mejorar y los principios que …

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Meeting with the Vice President of Malaysia, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin

The delegation of the Seville Mosque Foundation had the honor of being invited to the family iftar of Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, in his personal residence, where more than 500 people gathered. During the meeting the delegation had the opportunity to speak with Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin in a relaxed manner, and the project of the future Islamic Cultural Center …

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