
Reflections on my first year as a Muslim. From Ramadan to Ramadan

In the name of Allah, The Merciful and The Compassionate. As-Salamu Alaykum wa-rahmatullahi wa-barakatuh. My name is ʿĪsā and it has been a year since I discovered and accepted Islam as the path to undertake in this life that Allah, subhana wa to ‘Ala, has allowed us to experience. And this past month I went through my first Ramadan. A …

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The method of moon sighting (hilal), Shaykh Ahmed Bermejo

They say that prevention is better than cure, so as we are only a few days away from the arrival of the month of Ramadan, we are going to try to clear the doubts that exist on a matter that really should not have too much importance, but unfortunately it does. It is the matter of the arrival of the …

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Seminar “Religion in a globalized world”.

DILEMMA AND CONTRIBUTION. A VIEW FROM ISLAM Khalid Nieto Moreno. Seville Mosque Foundation 1. RELIGION, WHAT RELIGION? 2. WESTERN MUSLIMS. 3. THE GLOBAL RUPTURE. Religion what religion. When we talk about “believers” and “non-believers”, what do we believe in believing or not believing? When we speak of “secular culture” as opposed to “religious faith”, which “culture” and which “faith” do …

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Islam the non-religion – 12th Islamic Festival of Mertola.

19 May 2023 Lecture by Sidi Karim Viudes, rahimullah, given by Hayy Khalid Nieto at the 12th Islamic Festival of Mertola. Sidi Karim Viudes, Rahimullah When we speak of “believers” and “non-believers”, what do we believe in believing or not believing? When we speak of “secular culture” as opposed to “religious faith”, which “culture” and which “faith” do we qualify? …

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The blessings of the fifteenth night of Shaban

By: The fifteenth night of Shaban, known in Arabic as Laylat al-Nisf min Shaban, literally “the eve of the middle of Shaban,” is one of the most important nights of the year. (In the Islamic calendar the night precedes the day so it is actually the night before the fifteenth day of Sha’ban). `Ata` bin Yasar said that after …

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Interview with the Seville Mosque Foundation,

Abdelmalik There is a maxim that says that where there is chaos, there is order not far away, that is, where there is disorder, there is its opposite. Within this chaotic universe of federations and associations that exist within the Muslim community in Spain, there are entities that live based on rules and other social foundations, providing useful elements …

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